forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book


A male friend of mine irl (everyone thinks he's gay because he doesn't date and won't date in high school but he is most definitely not, but that's unrelated), and someone on notebook

I know it's not me but it reminds me of me.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

*Context: I am the girl that has a mini box in my bag with migraine medicine, ibprophen, and tylenol for headaches, as well as I carry around at least 4 extra plastic water bottles and granola bars to help with headaches, along with some advice if the headache is stressed induced. It started with my friends and said cousin asking for stuff for headaches, and then classmates saw me and would ask, and friends of friends, and it kept branching out until a freshman saw me hand a kid a granola bar and some medicine and exclaimed "YOU ARE REAL". And now I kind of feel bad because this will be my last year and a bunch of kids rely on me for meds because they are too scared to ask parents or teachers to leave class to go tot he nurse.

Good for you.

@Pickles group


A male friend of mine irl (everyone thinks he's gay because he doesn't date and won't date in high school but he is most definitely not, but that's unrelated), and someone on notebook

I know it's not me but it reminds me of me.

He's not as flamboyant as you. He just dresses nicely and talks funny

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Does anyone else feel pressured not to change?? Like if I randomly start liking something I didn't use to, it feels like I'll be judged or criticized. My style has really changed recently and I feel like everyone is judging me for it. My mom keeps making me second-guess things and I don't know if it's really who I am or if I just feel pressured to change and I don't really know who I am and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh


Does anyone else feel pressured not to change?? Like if I randomly start liking something I didn't use to, it feels like I'll be judged or criticized. My style has really changed recently and I feel like everyone is judging me for it. My mom keeps making me second-guess things and I don't know if it's really who I am or if I just feel pressured to change and I don't really know who I am and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

Oh my god, SAME. If I start acting or dressing different, everyone feels the need to point it out and make me feel like I should never have changed, and it just makes me furious


Does anyone else feel pressured not to change?? Like if I randomly start liking something I didn't use to, it feels like I'll be judged or criticized. My style has really changed recently and I feel like everyone is judging me for it. My mom keeps making me second-guess things and I don't know if it's really who I am or if I just feel pressured to change and I don't really know who I am and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

I am glad I'm not the only one who feels it. For me, however, it is a sort of "side-effect" of strict parenting. It is different for everyone, but for me, I was always forced to be good and I'm rarely allowed to do things without consent. Like, one time, my friend and I were out and it took me a solid 3 weeks to let my mom go out with her, and only if she could track me and we got food because it was 1:30 and we had been out since 9 and we hadn't eaten and when my mom found us at Salad and Go, she called me and yelled at me and grounded me for 2 weeks. So after many experiences like that, I always just do what she tells me and I get those thought s a lot, but slowly I convinced my mom to let me buy guy clothes some how. But again, it is different for everybody

Deleted user

the to photo is me about this time last year.
now I have a curly blonde and blue pixie cut.
my braces are off.
I wear a lot of eyeliner and do my makeup entirely differently.
I don't fake smiles anymore and if my nails are done, they're black, like everything I wear.
I don't look like a fetus anymore.
I look like a completely different person. I am a completely different person.

you know what else?
I'm also not cutting myself anymore. during the time of this picture I was.
I'm also not with any toxic friends anymore. during the time of this picture I was.
I'm not closeted anymore.
I'm not suffering in silence anymore, but rather getting the help I need.

I have changed more in the past year than I have my entire life.
and I am so, so, so much happier.

do you think nobody ever said anything to me?
whether it was my mom saying "Mimi, you're wearing too much black these days" or a random kid in my class asking if I cut my hair because I was trans.
I got a lot of shit.
but I kept going, because I was doing what I felt like was right.
and guess what?
it turns out it was.
the girl in that photo isn't me.
I am me now. I am more me than I've ever been.
and it makes me so fucking happy.

so fuck what they say. follow your heart.
change isn't a bad thing.
you might end up finding who you really are.

and if you don't, that's okay too. because you know what? you will. but you have to climb through hell to get to heaven.

never let anyone make you feel bad for changing.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

my mom was at the hospital getting ready for her c-section when a nurse skrt-ed in and said the baby's heart rate was dropping and they had to take the baby out now or it'd die. turns out tHIS LIL BITCH was doing backflips or something and sOMEHOW managed to get to umbilical cord around his neck and was somehow choking himself with it

And that's sort of what happened to Ledhalav. The cord part.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'll tell you what it isn't: a cult.

It's a YouTube channel full of two silly-goose people doing silly-goose things, all while examining their own mortality. The channel is set to self destruct a year from the start date and disappear forever.


@HighPockets group

Mir, that post gave me chills. You're an inspiration, and I'm happy for you.

I genuinely thought that was a different person at first until I read the caption
I thought it'd say "this is my cousin" or something

@Pickles group

Mir, that post gave me chills. You're an inspiration, and I'm happy for you.

I genuinely thought that was a different person at first until I read the caption
I thought it'd say "this is my cousin" or something

Y'all look that much like your cousins? I have a lot and I don't look like any of them

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

never let anyone make you feel bad for changing.

This hit so hard. Thank you for this, I really needed it.
And thank you to everyone for being so understanding. While I'm thankful that people understand, it's awful that so many people feel this way.

Deleted user

Mir, that post gave me chills. You're an inspiration, and I'm happy for you.

I genuinely thought that was a different person at first until I read the caption
I thought it'd say "this is my cousin" or something

yeah, like I said.
i'm me now.

Deleted user

never let anyone make you feel bad for changing.

This hit so hard. Thank you for this, I really needed it.

ofc. you're amazing and valid no matter what you become.

@HighPockets group

Mir, that post gave me chills. You're an inspiration, and I'm happy for you.

I genuinely thought that was a different person at first until I read the caption
I thought it'd say "this is my cousin" or something

Y'all look that much like your cousins? I have a lot and I don't look like any of them

I haven't seen my cousins on my mom's side in like 6 years so idk
I look….a little like my cousins on my dad's side? Like our hair is pretty similar but that's about it.

Deleted user

… Uh, I have a step cousin who looks nothing like me and I don't remeber any one elses faces

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

never let anyone make you feel bad for changing.

This hit so hard. Thank you for this, I really needed it.

ofc. you're amazing and valid no matter what you become.


Deleted user

never let anyone make you feel bad for changing.

This hit so hard. Thank you for this, I really needed it.

ofc. you're amazing and valid no matter what you become.


because I'm a fucking dragon
b i t c h