forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@The-Magician group

I can safely say that I look androgynous today. I am a fan, I’m wearing my engineering 101 t-shirt, and apart from a dodgy wrist life is good

@HighPockets group

I want an outside perspective on what ace's look like, stereotypically. I've heard of the sweatervest stereotype, but personally I think ace's dress like bisexuals, just with way more layers.

Oh shit I have an asexual character who's definitely a sweater vest bro

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have a Character in my brain and I put this Character onto paper but the character in my brain and the one that I put into Notebook are not the same person. My Baby is just very nuanced and does many things and has lot's of feeling so it's hard to put him onto paper.

I really do be like that.

@Pickles group

I'm happy we all like Unus Annus

I still have no idea what the hell.


ditto. I just didn't want to say anything

I know what it is, I just don't find it very interesting


I'll tell you what it isn't: a cult.

It's a YouTube channel full of two silly-goose people doing silly-goose things, all while examining their own mortality. The channel is set to self destruct a year from the start date and disappear forever.

Deleted user

I'm slightly concerned but not going to say anything for sake of my head

Deleted user

I have some of their merch, it's supposed to be arriving soon and I am H Y P E