forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@GameMaster group

I'm in an unfortunate amount of pain someone make it fucking go away

try turning it off and turning it back on again

I slept for 14 of the last 24 hours I did that

Deleted user

tried a heating pad/hot water bottle? helps with most stomach aches

Deleted user

tried a heating pad/hot water bottle? helps with most stomach aches

@GameMaster group

tried a heating pad/hot water bottle? helps with most stomach aches

yeah I was just about to do that. or i'll just sleep it off like I did yesterday's stomach ache

Deleted user

I'd say try that and maybe take some painkillers too.

stomach aches shouldn't be a super regular thing though. I'd go to a doctor about that. Could be gluten or lactose intolerance or some shit.

@GameMaster group

I took painkillers. I have celiacs but I’ve been completely gluten free for three months and I’m still getting sick regularly. We’re trying to do some blood tests but everything is really hard with corona and all.

Deleted user

did I ever tell y'all that when my brother was in the womb he almost died?

my mom was at the hospital getting ready for her c-section when a nurse skrt-ed in and said the baby's heart rate was dropping and they had to take the baby out now or it'd die. turns out tHIS LIL BITCH was doing backflips or something and sOMEHOW managed to get to umbilical cord around his neck and was somehow choking himself with it

I will never not laugh at that story I'm sorry


I'm kinda pissed :)))
On a discord server I'm in (not the notebook one obviously) I got muted for an hour for something I think is dumb
We were doing "What would your character do in this situation" kinda things and the question was if someone told them they wanted a baby or something
So I'm like
Scipio would probably say to go steal one or bring back a dead one lol
Which was deleted by a mod, which surprised me because in my opinion, it really wasn't that bad, especially with an explanation of Scipio's character
Another question was what your characters would do if they found an adult magazine
Since I've mostly been representing Nathaniel as a child on discord recently, I clarified with two answers (child!Nathaniel and adult!Nathaniel) to clarify that the answer where he'd keep the magazine was for him as an adult and not as an eight year old
That wasn't deleted, and I was muted shortly after without an explanation
I got an explanation like ten minutes later and I replied respectfully, but I'm still a bit annoyed
I'll leave now, you can ignore me, I kinda just felt like yelling at a wall

@GameMaster group

I'm kinda pissed :)))
On a discord server I'm in (not the notebook one obviously) I got muted for an hour for something I think is dumb
We were doing "What would your character do in this situation" kinda things and the question was if someone told them they wanted a baby or something
So I'm like
Scipio would probably say to go steal one or bring back a dead one lol
Which was deleted by a mod, which surprised me because in my opinion, it really wasn't that bad, especially with an explanation of Scipio's character
Another question was what your characters would do if they found an adult magazine
Since I've mostly been representing Nathaniel as a child on discord recently, I clarified with two answers (child!Nathaniel and adult!Nathaniel) to clarify that the answer where he'd keep the magazine was for him as an adult and not as an eight year old
That wasn't deleted, and I was muted shortly after without an explanation
I got an explanation like ten minutes later and I replied respectfully, but I'm still a bit annoyed
I'll leave now, you can ignore me, I kinda just felt like yelling at a wall

What would your character do if they found an adult magazine? What answer are they expecting? “Yes my character would throw it away cuz that’s bad praise Jesus.” You can ask dirty questions and expect clean answers. Maybe the mod has it out for you.


They seem to, because I've had a lot of posts deleted. And I'm always surprised because I'd never say something I think is inherently sexual or really bad or whatever
And I added in the child version (to which the reaction he'd have was audible confusion) to clarify that the child is not trying to keep an adult magazine for himself
You know, because almost everyone on discord knows Nathaniel as being eight and not twenty one
I felt like the clarification was important??
But they were upset that I had a child response to an adult question umu


Basically just explaining that I'd been muted for the dead baby joke and for having a child response to an adult question

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

You responded how your character would though, so this is completely unfair and bs.

And I would've "argued" this by stating facts. I actually have an example of me doing this if anyone is interested.

Seriously though, that's bs, and you have every right to be annoyed!


You responded how your character would though, so this is completely unfair and bs.

And I would've "argued" this by stating facts. I actually have an example of me doing this if anyone is interested.

Seriously though, that's bs, and you have every right to be annoyed!

Ehh I didn't want to piss off the mods
It wasn't worth it

@The-Magician group

Maddie's and also Mir and I's…..comments last night, probably

Yeah pretty much. I was quite enjoying my scrambled eggs and honey, and then I found those comments.
I’m only put off for a while, but I still feel queasy thinking of eggs.

Deleted user

oh literally put you off of eggs

I thought it was a Brit saying I didn’t understand