forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Lizzie and I had very different responses lol

Why am I the only concerned here

I'm very concerned
I was just too stunned by how cursed that sentence was to come up with a witty remark


Also, the ovaries usually take turns releasing an egg, so they alternate every cycle. In early years, you might miss a period because one of your ovaries is still teaching itself how to work, so to speak. You need an egg to have a period. If ovulation doesn't occur, there's no egg and therefore no period.

@Pickles group

e gg

c r onc h


My bad

s l or p

Sometimes you have pure bites into a raw egg and chews vibes and I'm not sure where I'm going with that but yeah

@HighPockets group

e gg

c r onc h


My bad

s l or p

Sometimes you have pure bites into a raw egg and chews vibes and I'm not sure where I'm going with that but yeah

I would if I hadn't seen my sister end up in the hospital for 4 days due to food poisoning (or so we think, it was never confirmed)

Deleted user

y'all ever be laying in bed and just

Deleted user

sometimes your elbow just whispers into your ear
"release me"
"extend me and let me be free"
and you listen

@HighPockets group

sometimes your elbow just whispers into your ear
"release me"
"extend me and let me be free"
and you listen

Imagine if your elbow was on a hinge and could go fully forward or backward

Deleted user

I'm in an unfortunate amount of pain someone make it fucking go away

try turning it off and turning it back on again

@Pickles group

I'm in an unfortunate amount of pain someone make it fucking go away

try turning it off and turning it back on again

Did you get water on it recently?