forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Put a blanket on and eat some food

I have stuff to
Food is making it worse
And my bed is covered in stuff

Does your family have a history of blood sugar problems?


I'm happy we all like Unus Annus

It’s a universal language. We should have party when it ends.

Honestly we should. A "Celebration of Life" type of thing would be great

@The-Magician group

Does your closet have extra sheets in it? Also c r a c k e r s a n d w a t e r

And my mom doesn’t allow food upstairs

Neither does mine but I still do it.. I guess not everyone can get away with it though

Deleted user

imagine trying to hold back the world's most intense sneeze and cough at the same time

that's what trying to hold back a tic feels like

@Pickles group

Do you ever just start thinking about a person too hard and start to wonder if you have a crush on them and then you actually see or talk to them again and you're like nah, but then when you're by yourself again you go back to wondering? Because that's happened to me with at least two different people now

@Pickles group


A male friend of mine irl (everyone thinks he's gay because he doesn't date and won't date in high school but he is most definitely not, but that's unrelated), and someone on notebook

@HighPockets group


A male friend of mine irl (everyone thinks he's gay because he doesn't date and won't date in high school but he is most definitely not, but that's unrelated), and someone on notebook

Raises a single eyebrow

@Pickles group


A male friend of mine irl (everyone thinks he's gay because he doesn't date and won't date in high school but he is most definitely not, but that's unrelated), and someone on notebook

Raises a single eyebrow

oh shush, I'm not telling anyone who because then it would be weird


Do you ever just start thinking about a person too hard and start to wonder if you have a crush on them and then you actually see or talk to them again and you're like nah, but then when you're by yourself again you go back to wondering? Because that's happened to me with at least two different people now

I feel this
I feel this very much
I am lonely


This just in, I somehow survived dinner and made myself presentable to not get shamed. Also, the one cousin I like showed me a text from her friend saying "Isn't your cousin headache girl*?" and I had never met this friend and apparently I am known as headache girl around school

*Context: I am the girl that has a mini box in my bag with migraine medicine, ibprophen, and tylenol for headaches, as well as I carry around at least 4 extra plastic water bottles and granola bars to help with headaches, along with some advice if the headache is stressed induced. It started with my friends and said cousin asking for stuff for headaches, and then classmates saw me and would ask, and friends of friends, and it kept branching out until a freshman saw me hand a kid a granola bar and some medicine and exclaimed "YOU ARE REAL". And now I kind of feel bad because this will be my last year and a bunch of kids rely on me for meds because they are too scared to ask parents or teachers to leave class to go tot he nurse.

Anyways, I find it funny because I get constant headaches and am supposed to take meds for it, but I don't. Also I am always stressed and never take any words of advice that I give other kids.

@HighPockets group

Mood, except I just hide my pills in my lunchbox and mostly keep them to myself
I've given tylenol to people on their periods a lot though lol


I have had to leave school on two separate occasions because my cramps got so bad that I could no longer function

Deleted user

I don't take meds for cramps
I embrace the pain
and oh, is there pain


Same, Caustic. Like the first day of shark week? always really fucking bad, and I remember calling my mom in like, tears, in the school bathroom, begging her to come and get me because it hurt so fucking bad


And that is with pain meds and a heating pad, mind you

They have heating pads at your school? Or you brought your own? I'm confused