forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@GameMaster group

Feel free to ignore me! I’m bored to the point of poetry and would rather yell into the void that is this forum then literally do anything productive. I’ve never related to Gatsby more.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Someone entertain or annoy me! Let’s rp or talk or vent or do something other than nothing. Let’s go to the middle of nowhere and pick fruit and bake and sew stuff. Let’s go sit on a bridge and tell one other jokes until we fall off into the canal. Let’s join a secret society and attend masked balls and solve mysteries. Let’s become friends or enemies or lovers or all of the above in that order.

Let's do it mate!

@GameMaster group

Someone entertain or annoy me! Let’s rp or talk or vent or do something other than nothing. Let’s go to the middle of nowhere and pick fruit and bake and sew stuff. Let’s go sit on a bridge and tell one other jokes until we fall off into the canal. Let’s join a secret society and attend masked balls and solve mysteries. Let’s become friends or enemies or lovers or all of the above in that order.

Let's do it mate!


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Someone entertain or annoy me! Let’s rp or talk or vent or do something other than nothing. Let’s go to the middle of nowhere and pick fruit and bake and sew stuff. Let’s go sit on a bridge and tell one other jokes until we fall off into the canal. Let’s join a secret society and attend masked balls and solve mysteries. Let’s become friends or enemies or lovers or all of the above in that order.

Let's do it mate!



@GameMaster group

Someone entertain or annoy me! Let’s rp or talk or vent or do something other than nothing. Let’s go to the middle of nowhere and pick fruit and bake and sew stuff. Let’s go sit on a bridge and tell one other jokes until we fall off into the canal. Let’s join a secret society and attend masked balls and solve mysteries. Let’s become friends or enemies or lovers or all of the above in that order.

Let's do it mate!




@Pickles group

Mir, that camera angle looks like those fiction documentaries where you and your gang of Sci-Fi adventurers just got caught by the police and now you're all in for questioning, as well as silently communicating ways to escape and get back on course.

that's exactly what happened, however the focus of the photos was supposed to be my tiredness

Mir can I be in your Sci-fi gang

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Someone entertain or annoy me! Let’s rp or talk or vent or do something other than nothing. Let’s go to the middle of nowhere and pick fruit and bake and sew stuff. Let’s go sit on a bridge and tell one other jokes until we fall off into the canal. Let’s join a secret society and attend masked balls and solve mysteries. Let’s become friends or enemies or lovers or all of the above in that order.

Let's do it mate!





Deleted user

Hi! Fucking iTunes ruining my great mood.

I went and saw my best friend and her brother at where they work today! I’m set to make plans with the former to see her more.

I come home thinking I’d get some new music with the money my mom gave me for getting good grades this year, and guess what


no do it


itunes is a piece of garbage and didn’t let me add funds. at all. I got no music (if you know me at all you know my only character trait is music) and I was really excited about the stuff I was gonna get.


@Mojack group

well Godzilla vs Kong just got delayed until 2021
I honestly don’t know what I was expecting and I know some people are gonna tell me it’s not that big of a deal but I’ve been emotionally exhausted this year and again I understand it’s more of a ‘me problem’ but

It was one of the biggest things I’ve been looking forwards to this year and I just

I know it probably won’t be but I’m hoping it’s not a repeat of KOTM where it got delayed so much it was a 5 year wait between the two movies

Deleted user

I feel really upset and talentless and I don't know what to do. I just want to do a creative job, write, or act, or sing, but I'm not good enough at any of it. I have to start thinking about where to go to college next year, and I don't want to be an office worker or major in business, but everyone thinks my characters are Mary Sues, and I'm starting to think they are. And I never get good roles in my school plays, even though I work so hard. I think I'm depressed and I'm starting to get really dark thoughts.

Deleted user

If anyone could talk to me, or compliment my work at all just so I can hear it, I would really love you for it.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Don't you just love it when you're looking for something? You spend a long amount of time looking for what you're looking for, getting frustrated because you can't find it. Then the moment you actively stop searching you find what you were freaking looking desperately for…. Yeah, this just happened to me….

Sorry, had to vent. Frustration y'all!

I know you guys understand.


Hey @Nerdy_Theater_Kid, I know what it's like to feel untalented and have dark thoughts. I'm about to turn in for the night, but you can link some of your work and I'd love to read through some of it tomorrow if it'd make you feel better. Just the fact that you want to have a job in the arts tells me you have strong passions, and that's something very powerful. In fact, I'd say it's a talent itself. Try your best to keep yourself motivated- find the little reasons to keep working on your arts, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. A big part of the arts is getting stuff wrong- it's part of the creative process. It's not like math or science where there are laws to follow and right or wrong answers to provide. I'm sure you're doing great <3

@GameMaster group

If anyone could talk to me, or compliment my work at all just so I can hear it, I would really love you for it.

I’m sorry that I don’t know you or your work but simply by your username I know that you are like many of the people I have chosen to be my best friends so just know that if I knew you in real life I would choose you as a friend.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Thank you for the kind words everyone :)

I too would love to view your work! I could do so now even, if you'd want! :-) I'm gonna add onto what @Owen said about mistakes and say that sometimes those mistakes can better the work. To quote Bob Ross, "We don't make mistakes. We just have happy accidents."


I have a Character in my brain and I put this Character onto paper but the character in my brain and the one that I put into Notebook are not the same person. My Baby is just very nuanced and does many things and has lot's of feeling so it's hard to put him onto paper.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

well Godzilla vs Kong just got delayed until 2021
I honestly don’t know what I was expecting and I know some people are gonna tell me it’s not that big of a deal but I’ve been emotionally exhausted this year and again I understand it’s more of a ‘me problem’ but

It was one of the biggest things I’ve been looking forwards to this year and I just

I know it probably won’t be but I’m hoping it’s not a repeat of KOTM where it got delayed so much it was a 5 year wait between the two movies

Awww, I'm sorry. That's rough.
And if it's a big deal to you, it's a big deal. Period.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I feel really upset and talentless and I don't know what to do. I just want to do a creative job, write, or act, or sing, but I'm not good enough at any of it. I have to start thinking about where to go to college next year, and I don't want to be an office worker or major in business, but everyone thinks my characters are Mary Sues, and I'm starting to think they are. And I never get good roles in my school plays, even though I work so hard. I think I'm depressed and I'm starting to get really dark thoughts.

Honestly, same. I feel like I'm useless everywhere. There is nothing I'm good at except being salty and procrastinating. I would really like to be a writer or singer, but I'm terrible at both and..just.. aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Deleted user

excuse me that’s my meme stolen off of Pinterest, Miriam