forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I redid my nails so now they're all pretty and shit


I don't even like doing them

but I always paint them black so that they chip and look so metal I fucking love it

@Kie group

Y'all ever just have a girl ask if you'll be her girlfriend if she ends up single and even though you know it's prolly a joke you still feel yourself getting all blushy?

@darling-velocipede group

sat down to work on the bloody prologue for my current wip and brainstorm some titles. ended up checking tumblr and wandering notebook and then wrote a poem about a bisexual bird mermaid and falling in love with people who are nice to you but yeah i am absolutely 100% working on my actual project

Deleted user

Sexuality and Gender… ((Sorry I'm tired a.f.))

Deleted user

I redid my nails so now they're all pretty and shit


I don't even like doing them

but I always paint them black so that they chip and look so metal I fucking love it

Me, the person who is painting my nails bright pink right now:

Deleted user

I wanna video call someone >:((((
I'm b o r e d and g a y
The gay part isn't anything relevant, I'm just bored

Deleted user

… Neither bro, tell me your insta and we can insta call lol