forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Had a pixy stick for the first time in years. Not as good as I remembered, but I can see why child me liked them

I've seen kids snort them before


@Mojack group

someone snorted warhead powder at one point
i think those people are going places
not sure if they're going to good places but they're going places alright

i remember when kids used to dare each other to take a warhead
one time i got dared and i took the warhead and said "this isnt even that sour"

and thats the story of how i got famous in grade 1 for a few minutes

@HighPockets group

All these books that I got, and the one I want the most still. isn't. in.
I put these Doctor Aphra comics on hold in February and I haven't gotten any of them.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

This is really random but quick rant
My dad is really politically involved (he's a county commissioner in our county) but he brings politics into eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything and it can get really annoying and awkward

@HighPockets group

someone snorted warhead powder at one point
i think those people are going places
not sure if they're going to good places but they're going places alright

i remember when kids used to dare each other to take a warhead
one time i got dared and i took the warhead and said "this isnt even that sour"

and thats the story of how i got famous in grade 1 for a few minutes

I don't think I've ever eaten a warhead….

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

someone snorted warhead powder at one point
i think those people are going places
not sure if they're going to good places but they're going places alright

i remember when kids used to dare each other to take a warhead
one time i got dared and i took the warhead and said "this isnt even that sour"

and thats the story of how i got famous in grade 1 for a few minutes

I love warheads
I've eaten so many I've built up a resistance

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

someone snorted warhead powder at one point
i think those people are going places
not sure if they're going to good places but they're going places alright

i remember when kids used to dare each other to take a warhead
one time i got dared and i took the warhead and said "this isnt even that sour"

and thats the story of how i got famous in grade 1 for a few minutes

I don't think I've ever eaten a warhead….

in kindergarten my teacher wanted us to shut up so she gave us all a warhead and said that whoever could hold it in their mouth the longest got to get something out of the prize box
predictably, i was the first one out

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I freakin love that song (if you can't tell by my username lol)
but it's so hard to find shirts that say anything other than "she acts like summer and walks like rain"
like I like that line but i just want the album cover aaaaaahhhhhh


That's a shame,,, wish I could offer a website or something but I have no idea sorry :P
I'm a sucker for merch as well and I've got like a collection of posters but that's it

@Mojack group

missing the time when i could sit at a computer chair for 12 hours and my back wouldnt go "oof ouch"
would really come in handy with my online course right now

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

i am suuuuuuuch a sucker for merch. Anytime I go anywhere I spend sooo much money. I went to see Cats (the play, not the movie) about a year ago and even though I thought the musical itself was just okay (though the singers and dancers were all very good, especially Grizabella), I bought a ton of merch. I've also been to DWTS Live Tour the past two years and I always want all the merch
Last year my mom had to stop me from buying a set of judges' paddles

@Pickles group

missing the time when i could sit at a computer chair for 12 hours and my back wouldnt go "oof ouch"
would really come in handy with my online course right now

What a mood


missing the time when i could sit at a computer chair for 12 hours and my back wouldnt go "oof ouch"
would really come in handy with my online course right now

What a mood

I spent a whole summer once at the computer desk playing and doodling. That was the last era of sitting comfortably. I got pretty good at though, ngl.

@GameMaster group

Hey Ella! For the new folks, my name is Lizzie (She/Her) and since I've last been on notebook we've had a global pandemic and I was diagnosed with a chronic disease. What a time!