forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

update update: my best friend dmed me saying "hey uh your recent drawing has pride tagged in it, so it's going to show up as being related to the lgbt community. just letting you know cause i don't think it was intentional"
my mistake
completely unintended
(°̃ ͜ʖ°̃)

Lollll Ella I love you
Also the drawing is so cute?!

Deleted user




Deleted user

Hey that stuff sucks, Emi. I personally love being touched, but hey, you gotta respect people's space.

i dunno, I guess I’m just not used to people touching me. It’s not really “touching” but more or less prodding and poking. I don’t mind much else.

It just sucks and I might be overreacting :L

@Pickles group

Hey that stuff sucks, Emi. I personally love being touched, but hey, you gotta respect people's space.

i dunno, I guess I’m just not used to people touching me. It’s not really “touching” but more or less prodding and poking. I don’t mind much else.

It just sucks and I might be overreacting :L

Nah, being poked is gross. Makes me squirm more than hugs

Deleted user

usually I'm cool with being touched but sometimes I get in 'moods' where I would rather die than be touched


Ik this is gonna sound dumb but im kinda upset cuz I found out the people in this club I do have a group chat for the club and they didn't add me even though they have my number and have known me since elementary school and they all act like they're my friends and im close with several of them. Idk im tired of being excluded from stuff. I feel like no one from my school really likes me.

@Pickles group

Ik this is gonna sound dumb but im kinda upset cuz I found out the people in this club I do have a group chat for the club and they didn't add me even though they have my number and have known me since elementary school and they all act like they're my friends and im close with several of them. Idk im tired of being excluded from stuff. I feel like no one from my school really likes me.

I feel that


Hey, so I'm still stupid and bad with faces, what does ":L" mean?
Also, Mx. Salami, that really freaking sucks. Hopefully you'll find a gang that includes you.


Vent time. It's been a depressing couple of days. It's really showing up physically. I'm paler than usual (which makes me ghostly) and my eyes are surrounded with black. I'm constantly tired, but my heart is pounding out of anxiety. I'm exhausted, but I'm sleeping around 10 hours a night and resting pretty much all day. My mind is not in a good place (though I am getting a lot of writing ideas, which is a plus). I'm bored of it. A part of me wants to do something stupid, something to get me livid. My brain is so cloudy. I'm not exactly sad or panicky, just sort of. Done? I don't know.

@HighPockets group

Vent time. It's been a depressing couple of days. It's really showing up physically. I'm paler than usual (which makes me ghostly) and my eyes are surrounded with black. I'm constantly tired, but my heart is pounding out of anxiety. I'm exhausted, but I'm sleeping around 10 hours a night and resting pretty much all day. My mind is not in a good place (though I am getting a lot of writing ideas, which is a plus). I'm bored of it. A part of me wants to do something stupid, something to get me livid. My brain is so cloudy. I'm not exactly sad or panicky, just sort of. Done? I don't know.

I went on a hike with my parents (who are kinda tanned from working in the yard lately) and realized that I'm like 3 shades whiter than them rn
I look like a corpse


I went on a hike with my parents (who are kinda tanned from working in the yard lately) and realized that I'm like 3 shades whiter than them rn
I look like a corpse

Lol. Sometimes I walk by the mirror and I scare myself because I look, well, yeah like a corpse ha.