forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

what if one day eva and I were both like "we're going on a trip today" and saw each other irl

that'd be


@darling-velocipede group

mod here, political vents and friendly, respectful debates are completely allowed, so long as they don't get out of hand, which this hasn't
so you're a-ok, fren

excellent, thanks ella!

@Pickles group

what if one day eva and I were both like "we're going on a trip today" and saw each other irl

that'd be


I'd be very jealous

Deleted user

If I ever see any of you irl I don't care whether or not your parents know about notebook

I'm tackle hugging you big time


None of you know what I look like, but I know what you look like, so if a stranger enthusiastically waves and then hugs you in public, it's probably me


I'm down for hugs as long as I have a decent excuse as to why the hell I know you
As of now, if I let something slip, y'all are camp friends

"Ah yes, we have a long history of s'more eating and fire dancing," I say to your parents


i am always down for hugs at all times so unless you're extremely buff 8 years older than me and dressed in sketchy clothing if you see me in public feel free to hug


If any of yall see me out in public, approach cautiously. I genuinely think no one here is near where I live, so I won't be expecting it.

@saor_illust school

i am always down for hugs at all times so unless you're extremely buff 8 years older than me and dressed in sketchy clothing if you see me in public feel free to hug



@amber_is_a_starchild I'm extremely late as always, but (assuming you did this on a normal messenger/texting app and not discord or something) deleting messages only deletes them for you. Your friend would still be able to see them

@Pickles group

The only one I'm likely to see without planning is Ella, cause iirc she lives near my grandmother (who might be moving anyway). But even then it'll probably be me on notebook like ARE YOU AT WALMART CAUSE I THINK I JUST SAW YOU instead of actually approaching

@saor_illust school

quick rant:

ahahahahaha i just love it when people think its okay to use bases or whatever or someone else's original artwork and make some changes to it and be like
look everyone, this is art i made !
and only then after people say it's really good they're like
oh yeah, it's not completely original btw, it's someone else's art which i used

kjsfkljdskl if you're gonna do that, fine ig, but will you at least credit the original artist
people are gonna think it's 100% original unless you do that !!

and for the love of god, do not give me that "well i couldn't find the original artist, i just saved it off of discord" crap
that doesn't mean that you don't have to credit them
or at least say that isn't completely original
also adding in "uwus" for faces isn't really doing much tbh

@The-Magician group

i am always down for hugs at all times so unless you're extremely buff 8 years older than me and dressed in sketchy clothing if you see me in public feel free to hug

realising I fit all those categories
Well this is a way to return, it’s Danny by the way

@The-Magician group

Last night Tired Ash made a list of places to go, including biking all over Japan and going on a road trip for the sole purpose of hugging y'all in the U.S and Canada

Wait you’re not in the US or Canada?

@HighPockets group

The only one I'm likely to see without planning is Ella, cause iirc she lives near my grandmother (who might be moving anyway). But even then it'll probably be me on notebook like ARE YOU AT WALMART CAUSE I THINK I JUST SAW YOU instead of actually approaching

Miriam lives pretty north of me but I could conceivably run into her, also maybe Ella if I'm ever in Kansas City for Globals.

@HighPockets group

Had a pixy stick for the first time in years. Not as good as I remembered, but I can see why child me liked them

I've seen kids snort them before

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Had a pixy stick for the first time in years. Not as good as I remembered, but I can see why child me liked them

I've seen kids snort them before

Last year a bunch of girls in my history class tried snorting Smarties powder….it didn't end well

@Mojack group

Had a pixy stick for the first time in years. Not as good as I remembered, but I can see why child me liked them

I've seen kids snort them before

i have seen that as well