forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

if pretty girls keep commenting nice things on my instagram I will cry

Deleted user

do you ever just… get a strike of random inspiration to turn your entire WIP into a zombie apocalypse au

Deleted user

do you ever just… get a strike of random inspiration to turn your entire WIP into a zombie apocalypse au

Do it

Deleted user

hey, @cavetown-said-ace-rights, you had an account before, right?

Deleted user

I'm gonna go watch netflix
@cavetown-said-ace-rights cool to see you again, ephie

Deleted user

does anybody else have those friends
who like
you're super close
and you're not dating
but it they dated someone else you'd just

… Is this a fucking call out post?

@HighPockets group


I mean, sorta
I had a good day since my childhood best friend and her sister came over
I forgot how much I cared about them

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My old English professor is the best. I sent him a request for a letter of recommendation in a verbose and formal sort of way and he replied in kind but even more so. Obviously I layered it on even more in the reply I sent.
Good man he is.

Deleted user

what a fucking coward. I'll call out all your fake little accounts until you admit you just pretended to leave for attention. if you like this site so much, come back, admit it's you and let's move along.

@Pickles group

what a fucking coward. I'll call out all your fake little accounts until you admit you just pretended to leave for attention. if you like this site so much, come back, admit it's you and let's move along.

You're the one who isn't 'moving along'. Because you're still talking about it as if they're still here when you can SEE the Deleted User and you do this shit all the time. I get that you're wary of newbies and I get why, but you blow everything out of proportion. You don't think we're scary? Look. This is why people are scared of saying things.
Besides, if they were going to leave for attention, they would have announced it, because surprise! That's how you get attention on here. That's how you get people to say "oh no, we'll miss you <3" and we all know that.

@HighPockets group

It is kinda sus that they deleted their account right after she said that though…
I got a graphic novel that I'm super excited for today (FINALLY) and hoping to read it tonight it's witchy so it'll probably get recced to Mir lol

Deleted user

Lizzie, I'm not dealing with your shit right now.