forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

let it out.

I love that song

elsa went off on that one

I mean, Let It Go is pretty good but I was referring to Let It Out from The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals

Finally finished that today. Not sure how I feel


Dream journal, June 10, 2020:
Mir and Caustic had an argument about seasons or something while I practiced my duolingo in the background and that was it. the entire dream. 8 whole hours of this

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I slept 3 hours last night because my braces were hurting so bad. Some messages and events from late-night Ash:
1:30 AM Ash wrote this in a note: 'I sends hugs'. I vaguely remember talking to myself about how I'm gonna hug y'all, some fictional characters and Thomas Sanders.
1:50 AM Ash was dangling their feet out the window because it was raining. Almost got their feet attacked by a bat.
2:20 AM Ash was just suffering.

Deleted user

haha braces

You got any anti-inflammatories? They work for braces you know

Deleted user

Make sure you take another one later tonight so you’re not up.

Also try to take a nap or something, too


Okay I need to get his off my chest cause honestly it really hurt me but I don’t know if I’m right to be angry so here we go (trigger warning)
The other night I really wasn’t feeling good, I was feeling really depressed and suicidal and I texted my friends telling them how I was feeling and asking for help. And no one answered so I figured they just hadn’t seen the messages because it was very very late, then like an hour later I deleted the messages because I figured no one has seen them
And then the next morning one of them texted me, telling me I’d scared him, which meant he saw the messages when I posted them. And he ignored them.
Anyway I very rarely ask for help and even then I backed out so I guess he was just responding to the fact that I’d deleted them. So I’m not sure what to think but yeah I just wanted to get that off my chest

Deleted user

Amber I’m gonna come out and say that fucking sucks. I’m really sorry.

@saor_illust school

Thank you Izzy returns hugs you’re the best

ofc fren, anytime-
hehe you're awesome too fren, don't let anyone, even you tell yourself otherwise


Thank you Izzy returns hugs you’re the best

ofc fren, anytime-
hehe you're awesome too fren, don't let anyone, even you tell yourself otherwise

I’ll try my best <3 <3

@Pickles group

hey amber, while you're on, Dom wants to know what chat it was that you talked about Broadway a bunch. At least he did yesterday, not sure if he still does or if he found it


Amber, that's the definition of uncool, my dude. I'm sorry no one responded. Have you asked him or talked through why he didn't respond right away? It's good to talk through and break down possible barriers when it comes to stuff like this, especially if he's a close friend. But yeah, that really sucks.


Amber, that's the definition of uncool, my dude. I'm sorry no one responded. Have you asked him or talked through why he didn't respond right away? It's good to talk through and break down possible barriers when it comes to stuff like this, especially if he's a close friend. But yeah, that really sucks.

No I haven’t actually, cause I know him well and I know he’s a nice guy. I think he’s also been going through some things atm and if I talk to him I’ll get angry at him which won’t help anything, so, I haven’t

Deleted user

Tis boring in my house and im tired. I wanna take a nap, but I have summer school. ((I also wanted to see if I would meet any cute girls…but it's all online. And there is one that is just. She is gorgeous, but i don't have the guts to Email her…plus…she seems….like she's straight.))

@Pickles group

Making pancakes is like. The cure all, I swear. Put on some music or an audiobook and just MAKE. And then you get to eat the pancakes and your family will love you. Cake also works, but it's a little less involved and you can't brush it off as "I wanted breakfast".
Not boring and covers the spending time with family without actually having to talk awkwardly