forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It low-key sucks but I'll give you the opening paragraph which is the best part.

For all the thousands of years of human history there have been things that humanity has hungered for. All cultures have a set of values for what is of worth, and almost all humans can be said to be drawn to some kind of art, some to an intense degree. One of these things of constant longing is the thirst for music. The other is one for stories. Both have been passed down through the millennia. From the Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter and the Hurrian Hymn 6 to Adele’s Hello. Possibly in the first form of mixed media art, the musical combines storytelling techniques with the beauties of beat and polyphony.

@HighPockets group

I'm so excited for choir this year! I'll finally be getting my pearls <3
It's a tradition for the Junior girls choir to wear pearls to the concerts


If I ever see any of you irl I don't care whether or not your parents know about notebook

I'm tackle hugging you big time

late to this conversation as always but
is it weird that I've thought about this kinda thing a lot? Like what if I went on a trip somewhere and someone else on here happened to be in the same place and we met in real life and I'd cry. I'm lying cuz I'd actually just get nervous and stare at you and make you think I'm a creepy stalker person


I'm so excited for choir this year! I'll finally be getting my pearls <3
It's a tradition for the Junior girls choir to wear pearls to the concerts

ooh that's exciting! (and pearls are pretty)

Deleted user

someone snorted warhead powder at one point
i think those people are going places
not sure if they're going to good places but they're going places alright

i remember when kids used to dare each other to take a warhead
one time i got dared and i took the warhead and said "this isnt even that sour"

and thats the story of how i got famous in grade 1 for a few minutes

I've snorted lots of things!
and eaten


It low-key sucks but I'll give you the opening paragraph which is the best part.

For all the thousands of years of human history there have been things that humanity has hungered for. All cultures have a set of values for what is of worth, and almost all humans can be said to be drawn to some kind of art, some to an intense degree. One of these things of constant longing is the thirst for music. The other is one for stories. Both have been passed down through the millennia. From the Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter and the Hurrian Hymn 6 to Adele’s Hello. Possibly in the first form of mixed media art, the musical combines storytelling techniques with the beauties of beat and polyphony.

I like it a lot!! Keep me updated on the progress, if you're up for it!

Deleted user

Y'all ever get hit with that "you aren't good enough to write a podcast" while writing a podcast becuase you don't have any voice actors yet and really need someone to help you write the script becuase you're not great at plot? Becuase same


Y'all ever get hit with that "you aren't good enough to write a podcast" while writing a podcast becuase you don't have any voice actors yet and really need someone to help you write the script becuase you're not great at plot? Becuase same

I could help with either one of those if you need, no pressure though

@HighPockets group

Y'all ever get hit with that "you aren't good enough to write a podcast" while writing a podcast becuase you don't have any voice actors yet and really need someone to help you write the script becuase you're not great at plot? Becuase same

I could help with either one of those if you need, no pressure though

I could probably help too if you want!

Deleted user

Y'all ever get hit with that "you aren't good enough to write a podcast" while writing a podcast becuase you don't have any voice actors yet and really need someone to help you write the script becuase you're not great at plot? Becuase same

I could help with either one of those if you need, no pressure though

god, that would be great, but I don't even have a proffesional mic, nor a solid idea
I have characters, I have so many characters and settings, but I have no freaking plot!
No issues, no happy ending and I can't even write horror correctly!!

@The-Magician group

And here I am, yet again, putting my own work on hold so that I can do something for someone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m okay with drawing for people…
But considering how long it took me to finish the last one, and it wasn’t even that good, surely you would get the hint by now that I don’t want to?!
I’m just too nice to refuse because then you’ll pester the other person who is doing art for you even more than you do.

Deleted user

I just want to bang my head against a window, wow, even my intrusive thoughts seem good right now


Y'all ever get hit with that "you aren't good enough to write a podcast" while writing a podcast becuase you don't have any voice actors yet and really need someone to help you write the script becuase you're not great at plot? Becuase same

I could help with either one of those if you need, no pressure though

god, that would be great, but I don't even have a proffesional mic, nor a solid idea
I have characters, I have so many characters and settings, but I have no freaking plot!
No issues, no happy ending and I can't even write horror correctly!!

I could help with getting a semblance of a plot!

Deleted user

220 miles on the road and 30 dollars spent on fudge later
I'm home


220 miles on the road and 30 dollars spent on fudge later
I'm home

I love this friend

Deleted user

Hi I didn’t realize how much I hated being touched until today.

I don’t know if it’s because I got used to not being touched so often, or if it’s just because I’ve been with my sister and dad too much, but today my dad was poking the small of my back, which really hurts. The small of my back has probably the weakest, least worked on part of my body because I’m not able to work on it as well as other parts in fear of hurting my spine (my family has a lot of back issues so out of irrational fear of irreversible damage I barely work it out, especially at home).

Then he wouldn’t listen when I asked him to stop? I even asked politely with a “Please don’t touch me”, and he just mocked me instead, super cool.

so that’s cooooooooooooooooooool.

Also Ella that sketch is lovely.

Deleted user

220 miles on the road and 30 dollars spent on fudge later
I'm home

I love this friend

he's the love of my life istg

Deleted user



update update: my best friend dmed me saying "hey uh your recent drawing has pride tagged in it, so it's going to show up as being related to the lgbt community. just letting you know cause i don't think it was intentional"
my mistake
completely unintended
(°̃ ͜ʖ°̃)

Deleted user




A legendary and favourite actor just came out??? And I'm so happy for him?? I'm legitimately crying??? I don't even know man I'm just so happy for him