forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Uh no I saw that same exact thing on Pinterest and saved it to my board

y o u a b s o l u t e b u t t f u c k

Deleted user

Uh no I saw that same exact thing on Pinterest and saved it to my board

y o u a b s o l u t e b u t t f u c k

lmao emi it's just a meme that was on my feed

you b i t c h

@Pickles group

Neither did I, but it sounded good and I was surprised that I liked it so much I actually started another adult romance, but I wasn't liking it a bunch and then it expired. It also sounds cute though
it wasn't really a comedy but I'm a terrible person so I was laughing at a semi-serious part


Painting is a great coping mechanism though. I once painted squares of (clean) toilet paper with nail polish during a breakdown and it was really fun. 10/10, very stimulating, would recommend.


Painting is a great coping mechanism though. I once painted squares of (clean) toilet paper with nail polish during a breakdown and it was really fun. 10/10, very stimulating, would recommend.

Perfect. Thank you.


I came home from work and my mom tells me we are leaving for dinner at my grandparents in like 20 minutes when, I am in my gross uniform and my hair has been in a ponytail all week. And my grandma is judgmental so I have to look my very best and my mom said "You could do that cute thing with you hair with all of the tiny curls" Woman, that takes 45 minutes. I would need an hour and a half to look even half-decent in my family's eyes. Plus we might not even be the only ones there and my moms family is super judgy, except for one cousin. But my mom also knew I had plans tonight as well as a quiz. So, a super stressful getting ready montage of my doing 90 minutes of getting ready in 20 starts now. There is a 50% chance I will cry during this time


Best of luck, @Musical_Queen

In other news, I have done a thing. I started painting my left nails and a thought struck me. After some scrounching around, and 10 minutes of painting, both my hands are done. My left is black, my right is white.

@Pickles group

I'm unsure if there's any meaning at all or if it's something other than some kind of message about racism or how the left hand is traditionally viewed as worse, bad, or evil


I'm unsure if there's any meaning at all or if it's something other than some kind of message about racism or how the left hand is traditionally viewed as worse, bad, or evil

It's just a reference to Unus Annus but okay

@Pickles group

I'm unsure if there's any meaning at all or if it's something other than some kind of message about racism or how the left hand is traditionally viewed as worse, bad, or evil

It's just a reference to Unus Annus but okay

Sir you should know by now that I am very dumb


I'm unsure if there's any meaning at all or if it's something other than some kind of message about racism or how the left hand is traditionally viewed as worse, bad, or evil

It's just a reference to Unus Annus but okay

Sir you should know by now that I am very dumb

No, you aren't dumb; I'm just a simple man with a simple thought process

Deleted user

Unus Annus

When you look back at this moment what person will you be?