forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Now here's a question: are you an Unus or are you an Annus?

I've been so conflicted about it since they popped the question.
I relate to both so well.

What're you?

u n u s


Haha, you said anus

@Pickles group

I'll tell you what it isn't: a cult.

It's a YouTube channel full of two silly-goose people doing silly-goose things, all while examining their own mortality. The channel is set to self destruct a year from the start date and disappear forever.


honestly I want ethan's softboi merch so bad

What type of merch

I'd probably go for a beanie or hoodie

and what color?

bl a ck


I'm really tempted to get either the watermelon or the chambray longsleeve

Deleted user

I feel an anxiety attack coming on about something I shouldn't really even be worried about

@GameMaster group

So I guess one of them is Unus and the other is Annus??

It’s run by markiplier and his friend Ethan (Mark is annus, Ethan is unus). Unus Annus means One Year so they’re making a video a day for a year and then when it’s over they’re going to delete the channel and everything on it, basically wiping the videos from the internet. Like solid 70% of the videos are super funny so I recommend it.

@Pickles group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

@Pickles group

Yeah from what I've seen, it seems like something you might like, Maddie. But it also seems like you could end up hating it so idk

@HighPockets group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

Oh mood
Not today, but sometimes
I've never been to Steak and Shake D:


I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

That's the worst kind of nausea. I'd rather throw up and have it done with.

@Pickles group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

Oh mood
Not today, but sometimes
I've never been to Steak and Shake D:

Dude if they weren't closing I'd say I have to make you go

Deleted user

this is one of the only times I wish I would dissociate
my head is so heavy and it hurts
it would be so much easier to pass out than deal with this

@HighPockets group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

Oh mood
Not today, but sometimes
I've never been to Steak and Shake D:

Dude if they weren't closing I'd say I have to make you go

Are they all closing or just the one by you?

@Pickles group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

Oh mood
Not today, but sometimes
I've never been to Steak and Shake D:

Dude if they weren't closing I'd say I have to make you go

Are they all closing or just the one by you?

I think all but maybe just the ones in Ohio? Idrk


this is one of the only times I wish I would dissociate
my head is so heavy and it hurts
it would be so much easier to pass out than deal with this

Are you able to take a rest?

@HighPockets group

I feel icky but we're having steak and shake for dinner. Which kind of makes me more upset because I really like it but I feel like I'm gonna barf. In that "I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I know I'm not actually going to" way.

Oh mood
Not today, but sometimes
I've never been to Steak and Shake D:

Dude if they weren't closing I'd say I have to make you go

Are they all closing or just the one by you?

I think all but maybe just the ones in Ohio? Idrk


Deleted user

this is one of the only times I wish I would dissociate
my head is so heavy and it hurts
it would be so much easier to pass out than deal with this

Are you able to take a rest?

it's getting better, i let myself cry a little and used my fidget cube which seems to help
i'm just

@Pickles group

50 of their locations are closing, but not all

would you happen to have found when because I'm ultra lazy and don't want to look it up myself?


this is one of the only times I wish I would dissociate
my head is so heavy and it hurts
it would be so much easier to pass out than deal with this

Are you able to take a rest?

it's getting better, i let myself cry a little and used my fidget cube which seems to help
i'm just

Hey, you're doing good. You know what works for you, and that's a great way of taking care of yourself. Take it easy, my dude.

@GameMaster group

I’ve never been to Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Burger King, KFC, steak & Shake, or really most fast food places and now I never will. Am I missing out?