hooray for non-binary affirmation, i can't believe i can just- ashfbreivbn.... i can be... WHATEVER I WANT???
a lot of things, but namely; drawing, writing(obvi), dnd/roleplaying, worldbuilding, board games+(board) game developing and more that i'll probably add later
dark fantasy, supernatural horror, animation, comedy.
i like a lot of authors like eoin culfer and brandon sanderson and mull, but especially rick riodan. this is both because he's an amazing writer, and because he's an amazing ally who uses his influence to spread acceptance and normalize being part of minorities.
naturally, hard to choose, so instead here are my recommendations: the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Culfur is a must read for people who like atypical stories, intelligent villain and a touch of magic. Fablehaven by Brandon Mull is about two siblings learning about a new magical world and helping stop an evil organization, this book has a character for everyone, awesome worldbuilding and humor. if you're a fan of fairytale retellings with a twist, check out the Prince of Cahraman series and other retellings by Lucy Tempest. lastly, i'd be a fool not to mention the Age of Fire series, and especially the semi-stand alone third book Dragon Outcast, by E. E. Knight, after a great tragedy and betrayal three dragon siblings go their separate ways, read about each of them as they explore the different aspects of this fantastical world.
“People don’t really change, they just become more like themselves.” / "the mauve one are boys, the white one are girls and the blue one are just little sillies who don't know what they are." / “there’s a thin line between being an idiot and a genius, I use that line as a jump rope.”