@IcarusFightsTheSun book
try out your characters, how they'd talk to others, developing personality, or maybe just a friendly chat as\with a gnome. anyone, anytime, just come on in!
try out your characters, how they'd talk to others, developing personality, or maybe just a friendly chat as\with a gnome. anyone, anytime, just come on in!
Carey sighs in relief upon finding a room seemingly devoid of any other people. She sits down in the corner, and begins to read a book in peace.
liana looked up from the little butterfly soul, wandering around looking for it's body. and again found herself wondering how normal people lived in a world without being able to see all the colourful spirits. she followed a deep blue cat-ghoul as it curled up on the lap of a girl reading a book. "excuse me miss, is that yours?" she said, pointing at the little ghoul, even though the girl couldn't see it.
Carey flinches as the girl asks her this. Carey must have been zoned out and didn't notice her coming closer. she then wonders what she means. She wasn't pointing at her book…… Carey just nods, hoping that she'll go away if she answers the question.
"may i have it? or hold it, if you will." she says in she flat emotionless voice. liana, despite her death-like appearance, she loved to observe the beings that only she could see.
Carey's mind started racing. She did not know how to respond to that. She had no idea what the girl was talking about, and was frankly creeping Carey out. She wasn't sure how to respond to this, but she'd already feigned knowledge so now what did she do? "Um. Sure? Go ahead?"
she kneeld down next to her, and picked up the creature. it was much more… gooey, then she thought i'd be, it stuck to the girls clothes and refused to let go. she took a small handful of a fine silver power and dropped onto the ghoul, temporarily making it into a tangible, visible, but more importantly(to her), it was much less sticky. she realised she should probably be using it for more importent things, like selling it to rich people, but then again it wasn't that often she saw a ghoul.
Carey gapes at the creature. She had never seen something like that. Was that what the girl was wanting to hold? "Uh….What is that?" She whispers to the girl.
she looked confused at the girl, "is it not your summoned familiar?" she said, holding the little purring sludge-cat.
"Uh… No? I don't have a familiar. I mean there's a weird little fairy guy that follows me sometimes, but I think thats different Yeah no." Carey shakes her head to confirm that her answer was indeed a 'no'.
she was so shocked, that she just paused for a minute. "… it's not yours?…" her voice, still as devoid of any visible emotions. she had spent so long talking only to the little spirits and sprites that she couldn't even understand the concept of lying anymore, "what?"
Carey just starts talking to try to explain at a rapid pace."Yeah, sorry, I couldn't see it, I was just trying to end the conversation cuz I had no idea what you were talking about but I didn't wanna make it weird so I was hoping you'd-i dunno, just nod and leave- sorry i wasn't trying to be dishonest I just had frankly no idea what was happening and wasn't really sure how to proceed!" She takes a deep breath. "Sorry."
she stared even more confused, "oh… alright… apologizes miss." she put the cat back on her lap, and with a slight bow left.
(sorry that's kinda just how she is i guess.)
Carey sighs in relief as the girl left. That was a stressful and strange interaction. She continues reading her book, attempting to ignore her brain berating herself for her horrible handling of that.
(XD she just accepted the fact there's a goo cat that won't leave her be)
(Oops- Guess I thought Iiana took the cat with)
Carey sighs in relief as the girl left. That was a stressful and strange interaction. She continues reading her book, attempting to ignore her brain berating herself for her horrible handling of that.
After a moment, Carey remembers the goo cat on her lap. She stares at it. It stares back. Carey patted it on the head. She liked cats, she was going to let it sit there for a bit.
(achievement unlocked: invisible friend)
(i'll throw someone in here for people to talk to.)
manta walked around the edges of town, not sure where he was going. eventually he stopped at a cafe, and decided to just stay for a while.
(Is it cool if I hop in?)
(yep! and if the convo ends, i'll just throw in someone new!)
(sounds good!)
manta walked around the edges of town, not sure where he was going. eventually he stopped at a cafe, and decided to just stay for a while.
Soon, the peaceful atmosphere of the cafe seems to shift a little when someone sits near Manta. They don't seem dangerous or suspicious in any way, they're simply a bit overeager to be in a simple coffee shop. Soon they notice Manta, blinking a few times as if they didn't even notice him when they sat down.
"Hello there, strange life form! What is your name??"
he tilted his head at the odd behavior, but didn't think much of it, "oh, hello. my name is Manta, and you are?" he muttered something under his breath, but looked with a cheerful grin.
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