forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

… Hey, didn't I call first dibs on Dom murder when we talked about me stabbing him?

@Pickles group

… Hey, didn't I call first dibs on Dom murder when we talked about me stabbing him?

I mean… You're not wrong.

This isn't murder :/
It's payment for his crimes.

Deleted user

… Hey, didn't I call first dibs on Dom murder when we talked about me stabbing him?

I mean… You're not wrong.

This isn't murder :/
It's payment for his crimes.

… Sounds like a good ol fashioned killing
how we going to go about it?
Stabbing? Chop his head off? Poison's a favorite of mine.

Deleted user

… Can I also be an executioner?
I did call dibs


I want to peel off his skin, tar and feather, lemon juice, and chop off his limbs with a rusty axe :>

Deleted user

I want to peel off his skin, tar and feather, lemon juice, and chop off his limbs with a rusty axe :>


Deleted user

Oh hey, I found some fucking cool articles on ancient torture methods you want the links?

Deleted user

Well Dom, we've gotta have someone to test 'em on

Deleted user

I honestly can’t tell if y’all are crazy or just kinky
