forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

No way. I use my nails for everything. The tips of my fingers (yaknow, right by the pokey part of your nail) are hella sensitive and having short nails hurts when I do stuff

@Pickles group

drugs today after all cause mom made me

You should mention how it makes you feel. It might be important but even if it's not, it can't hurt to let someone know


drugs today after all cause mom made me

You should mention how it makes you feel. It might be important but even if it's not, it can't hurt to let someone know

I second this. There's a very small chance they could be messing with your brain to make you paranoid about.. not being paranoid, if that makes sense. Your doctor might've told you this, but you should be keeping a journal listing symptoms and changes.

@GameMaster group

my nails are so short it makes me sad
years of trying to drop this habit and i still can't stop
for heck's sake…

What've you tried so far?

painting them
wearing gloves
boredom eating
and that's it

painting them seems to be the best solution, however the polish flakes off every 30 seconds and when there's none on since i've been wearing polish for so many years it feels wrong, prompting me to bite them again

You should try Malvala or something similar. It’s polish but it tastes really bad and keeps you from biting your nails.


except i've felt this way before the medication too
it's one of the main reasons i put off getting help for so long
i eventually figured i could keep everything other than the depression secret so it wouldn't go away, but it seems that plan failed


my nails are so short it makes me sad
years of trying to drop this habit and i still can't stop
for heck's sake…

What've you tried so far?

painting them
wearing gloves
boredom eating
and that's it

painting them seems to be the best solution, however the polish flakes off every 30 seconds and when there's none on since i've been wearing polish for so many years it feels wrong, prompting me to bite them again

You should try Malvala or something similar. It’s polish but it tastes really bad and keeps you from biting your nails.

I've heard of that stuff, just haven't found it anywere and can't order things online very often

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

they're making me vulnerable

Paranoia doesn't make you strong. That's a bunch of bullshit.

Paranoia weakens you and keeps you from your life. Paranoia can develop into delusion, which is a scary and debilitating experience. Lowering your baseline anxiety level does not make you vulnerable. If anything it makes you more aware of what's going on around you, because you don't have a cloud of "what ifs" blocking your veiw. You'll be able to understand more and make better decisions. Without paranoia, your judgement is sharper.
Besides, you can't just stop treatment. If you stop taking those pills so suddenly, you could go through withdrawals and it's more than likely that suicidal and other dark thoughts with flood back stronger than before. You can't mess with your brain chemistry like that. Take them as instructed. Be consistent.

Fr. Schizophrenia is no bueno. Lol just took a test and I'm High Risk. I know I'm not though. (But maybe that's what they all say Lol.) But also some of the questions I still found fault with because they could be subjectivly answered.

@HighPockets group

they're making me vulnerable

Paranoia doesn't make you strong. That's a bunch of bullshit.

Paranoia weakens you and keeps you from your life. Paranoia can develop into delusion, which is a scary and debilitating experience. Lowering your baseline anxiety level does not make you vulnerable. If anything it makes you more aware of what's going on around you, because you don't have a cloud of "what ifs" blocking your veiw. You'll be able to understand more and make better decisions. Without paranoia, your judgement is sharper.
Besides, you can't just stop treatment. If you stop taking those pills so suddenly, you could go through withdrawals and it's more than likely that suicidal and other dark thoughts with flood back stronger than before. You can't mess with your brain chemistry like that. Take them as instructed. Be consistent.

Fr. Schizophrenia is no bueno. Lol just took a test and I'm High Risk. I know I'm not though. (But maybe that's what they all say Lol.) But also some of the questions I still found fault with because they could be subjectivly answered.

I've taken a pretty decent amount of notes on schizophrenia, if anyone thinks they have it they can PM me for the notes if they want them.


Fr. Schizophrenia is no bueno. Lol just took a test and I'm High Risk. I know I'm not though. (But maybe that's what they all say Lol.) But also some of the questions I still found fault with because they could be subjectivly answered.

Ayyyy I'm high risk too! Sounds like we took the same test as well. I've had my fair share of short lasting hallucinations and delusions

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've only been on anesthesia once. I fell "asleep" crying while the doctor was talking about his sons and chapstick. I woke up fine, but the nurses were all up in my face confused about how I wasn't crying, which just confused me. At first one of them tried to get me up off the chair, but I fell down and hit my shoulder. They gave me a couple minutes but when two of them tried to get me to walk I just fell and hit my head. They didn't give me anymore time and basically carried me out of the room. They later explained that kids who fall asleep crying wake up crying, and I was an outlier. 2/10, would not recommend.

I woke up crying. The lady was like "Is your throat hurting?" and I nodded. (Tonsils.) But it wasn't. It was my freaking arm that they jammed a needle into.


I've only been on anesthesia once. I fell "asleep" crying while the doctor was talking about his sons and chapstick. I woke up fine, but the nurses were all up in my face confused about how I wasn't crying, which just confused me. At first one of them tried to get me up off the chair, but I fell down and hit my shoulder. They gave me a couple minutes but when two of them tried to get me to walk I just fell and hit my head. They didn't give me anymore time and basically carried me out of the room. They later explained that kids who fall asleep crying wake up crying, and I was an outlier. 2/10, would not recommend.

I woke up crying. The lady was like "Is your throat hurting?" and I nodded. (Tonsils.) But it wasn't. It was my freaking arm that they jammed a needle into.

Aww :(

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Fr. Schizophrenia is no bueno. Lol just took a test and I'm High Risk. I know I'm not though. (But maybe that's what they all say Lol.) But also some of the questions I still found fault with because they could be subjectivly answered.

Ayyyy I'm high risk too! Sounds like we took the same test as well. I've had my fair share of short lasting hallucinations and delusions

I don't have much except for voices. Wait. Is that normal? The thing is. I consider my personality to be a million parts of the one. I literally conceptualize it as the thing for selecting a color from that square. (y'know what I mean?) When I'm most stable, only a few of me's talk, if any. Sometimes only one. But the more unstable I am, the more I shatter into pieces and sometimes like seven of them are loose at once as well as shifting to different parts as they talk.

And I suffer under some paranoia delusions. Why I'm low-key scared of authority figures or any social situation where I'm not in control. But I blame that on some stuff that happened in my childhood.

So. Diagnosis, Doc?

Deleted user

I keep my nails short because I'm gay

and black

they're always black

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

F in chat for Dom's: wimpy arm

I was eight, so…

I have manly arms now. With biceps like potatoes hiding under my skin, waiting to jump out and yell "Surprise!" at an unsuspecting person that walks by in the middle of the night.

@Pickles group

F in chat for Dom's: wimpy arm

I was eight, so…

I have manly arms now. With biceps like potatoes hiding under my skin, waiting to jump out and yell "Surprise!" at an unsuspecting person that walks by in the middle of the night.

What the hell