forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I don't have much except for voices. Wait. Is that normal?

It depends. Can you define where the voices are coming from? Are they outside, a foreign voice? Are they in your head, like internal dialogue, but not exactly coming from "you"?

The thing is. I consider my personality to be a million parts of the one. I literally conceptualize it as the thing for selecting a color from that square. (y'know what I mean?)

Lol no, but this isn't inherently problematic behavior. Until you say this:

When I'm most stable, only a few of me's talk, if any. Sometimes only one. But the more unstable I am, the more I shatter into pieces and sometimes like seven of them are loose at once as well as shifting to different parts as they talk.

This is a unique experience. Schizophrenia's predominant symptom is loss of touch with reality, and consequently a disconnection with the self. This is really difficult to pick apart from an outside perspective. It could be normal for you, it could be concerning. The way you described it, it does sound distressing. Definetly bring that up to a parent and doctor.

And I suffer under some paranoia delusions. Why I'm low-key scared of authority figures or any social situation where I'm not in control. But I blame that on some stuff that happened in my childhood.

Understandable, but delusions are definitely a symptom of a greater issue, not just limited to schizophrenia.

So. Diagnosis, Doc?

Disclaimer: This is not real medical advice I'm just a kid go see a doctor

@Pickles group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

@HighPockets group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt

@Pickles group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt

you do fine when I'm sad, but mood

@HighPockets group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt

you do fine when I'm sad, but mood

I try my best
But some day my best won't be enough to help someone and I really hate that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't have much except for voices. Wait. Is that normal?

It depends. Can you define where the voices are coming from? Are they outside, a foreign voice? Are they in your head, like internal dialogue, but not exactly coming from "you"?

Kind of depends. Some voices used to be not me. (The ones that first started tearing me down and prompting self harm, for instance. But that one also used to feel like it came from one part. Now all of them have integrated a bit.) But when this happens, I don't exactly have a me as much as an observer that can't think much + all the voices that are me trying to make their position win.

The thing is. I consider my personality to be a million parts of the one. I literally conceptualize it as the thing for selecting a color from that square. (y'know what I mean?)

Lol no, but this isn't inherently problematic behavior. Until you say this:

When I'm most stable, only a few of me's talk, if any. Sometimes only one. But the more unstable I am, the more I shatter into pieces and sometimes like seven of them are loose at once as well as shifting to different parts as they talk.

This is a unique experience. Schizophrenia's predominant symptom is loss of touch with reality, and consequently a disconnection with the self. This is really difficult to pick apart from an outside perspective. It could be normal for you, it could be concerning. The way you described it, it does sound distressing. Definetly bring that up to a parent and doctor.

The time I talk in my head (minus the more writer + winning arguments from two years ago parts) are not rare, but nowhere near all the time. And when I'm stable it's normally two that discuss pros and cons and make a decision. The times when I fall apart (which is less and less, the more I control my mind) that's when they all fight and I feel most disconnected. (Think on the floor crying while all the adults are shouting about what they want. I try to talk to them sometimes, but they are also me and can read my mind and stuff when they listen (though of course they sort of have to so…)) But normally it continues and fades and I move up or I get strong enough to force them out. But I also don't have perfect memory in general so I might be remembering some things wrong. Once upon a time it was like the Sad, Angry, and… Calm Levelheaded Dude. But there are a lot more that can shift around now. But like I said, this only happens on really bad mental health days.
But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt


@Pickles group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt

you do fine when I'm sad, but mood

I try my best
But some day my best won't be enough to help someone and I really hate that.

Way to bring down the party
that's a joke, I love you

@HighPockets group

Aww :(

Lol that makes me feel nice things.

The idea of you crying makes me highly empathetic

It just makes me uncomfortable
Okay fine and a little sad

It makes me sad but also uncomfortable because I never know what to do when other people are hurt

you do fine when I'm sad, but mood

I try my best
But some day my best won't be enough to help someone and I really hate that.

Way to bring down the party
that's a joke, I love you

I love you too <3

Deleted user

do any of you nerds know how often to mist a terrarium? ace is taking too long to respond


Ok, Dom, I'm saying this with love-

But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

You need to get rid of that mindset, just yeet it out the window. Defenestrate that.

You need serious help. Voices telling you to harm yourself are a symptom a schizophrenia. Inner voices you can't control are a symptom of schizophrenia. Feeling that out of control in general is a symptom of some very serious conditions. Even if it just happens on really bad days, without proper treatment those days will become regular days.
Get help. I'll even help you make a plan, just please get some professional help.

@Pickles group

Ok, Dom, I'm saying this with love-

But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

You need to get rid of that mindset, just yeet it out the window. Defenestrate that.

You need serious help. Voices telling you to harm yourself are a symptom a schizophrenia. Inner voices you can't control are a symptom of schizophrenia. Feeling that out of control in general is a symptom of some very serious conditions. Even if it just happens on really bad days, without proper treatment those days will become regular days.
Get help. I'll even help you make a plan, just please get some professional help.

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

Deleted user

Ok, Dom, I'm saying this with love-

But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

You need to get rid of that mindset, just yeet it out the window. Defenestrate that.

You need serious help. Voices telling you to harm yourself are a symptom a schizophrenia. Inner voices you can't control are a symptom of schizophrenia. Feeling that out of control in general is a symptom of some very serious conditions. Even if it just happens on really bad days, without proper treatment those days will become regular days.
Get help. I'll even help you make a plan, just please get some professional help.

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

son of sam has entered the chat

@Pickles group

Ok, Dom, I'm saying this with love-

But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

You need to get rid of that mindset, just yeet it out the window. Defenestrate that.

You need serious help. Voices telling you to harm yourself are a symptom a schizophrenia. Inner voices you can't control are a symptom of schizophrenia. Feeling that out of control in general is a symptom of some very serious conditions. Even if it just happens on really bad days, without proper treatment those days will become regular days.
Get help. I'll even help you make a plan, just please get some professional help.

That's the sort of mindset that leads you to murder because your neighbor's dog told you to

son of sam has entered the chat

Exactly, thank you


do any of you nerds know how often to mist a terrarium? ace is taking too long to respond


@GameMaster group

Y’all ever kinda want someone to lie to you so you can figure out their like lying quirk but no one has anything to lie to you about?

@Pickles group

Y’all ever kinda want someone to lie to you so you can figure out their like lying quirk but no one has anything to lie to you about?

I find it's easier when they're lying to someone else and you know ahead of time that it's a lie. Like, "Yes Mom, I finished my homework," when you've been with them all day and know they haven't started

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ok, Dom, I'm saying this with love-

But yeah I'm not getting help. At least not now. Too much to handle. I go the way of Everything Is Fine.

You need to get rid of that mindset, just yeet it out the window. Defenestrate that.

You need serious help. Voices telling you to harm yourself are a symptom a schizophrenia. Inner voices you can't control are a symptom of schizophrenia. Feeling that out of control in general is a symptom of some very serious conditions. Even if it just happens on really bad days, without proper treatment those days will become regular days.
Get help. I'll even help you make a plan, just please get some professional help.

My friend. This sounds a lot worse than it is. Seriously. My issues with paranoia are a lot more serious. And even with that I can live a pretty normal life. (Except when I don't want to bc normalcy is boring.)
I understand your concerns. But it's under control. It's been getting better. Because I have been making it better. Lol this is gonna make me sound crazy, but for me it is easier to control my mind. (Or the rest of y'all aren't trying very hard. One of the two.)
It's very rare. But it's getting better. I'm pretty sure I haven't spilled my own blood in self harm in more than a year. And it was spotty the year before that.