forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

i forgot the topic and thought you meant pickup lines but spelled stupidly and was super confused
turns out the only thing stupid here was me

“Hey gurl do you have an extremely severe infection that requires immediate attention? Cus I wanna be the thing that is forced up your bronchial vein straight into your heart to give you that medication ;;)))”

@GameMaster group

I just remember getting out of anesthesia and the nurse gave me my clothes and she said "don't stand up to put your clothes on or I'll have to take you to the emergency room." And my dumbass was like "eMeRgEnCy rOoM, wHy?" and she was like "You'll fall and hit your head." And I said "rEaLlY?" and then she left.


Do you guys ever have multiple text conversations talking about multiple different topics or is that just me? Because right now I am planning a LoTR movie night with my sister, talk about how after watching Mamma Mia for the first time with a guy, we could never see Howard Stark the same again, try to coordinate with a different friend about watching Hamilton together when it comes out onto Disney+ and also have a very serious conversation on an inmate who died on death row 4 years ago and how it broke the 8th amendment, all while emailing my teacher trying to persuade him to watch Sherlock after I was listening to the soundtrack right as he got on for our monthly zoom meeting.


I've only been on anesthesia once. I fell "asleep" crying while the doctor was talking about his sons and chapstick. I woke up fine, but the nurses were all up in my face confused about how I wasn't crying, which just confused me. At first one of them tried to get me up off the chair, but I fell down and hit my shoulder. They gave me a couple minutes but when two of them tried to get me to walk I just fell and hit my head. They didn't give me anymore time and basically carried me out of the room. They later explained that kids who fall asleep crying wake up crying, and I was an outlier. 2/10, would not recommend.


I only have like 3 friends, two I am talking to right now, one is my sister who I rarely talk to, its mainly her talking to me, and my teacher who we email every other day with weird questions

Deleted user

dear woman aggressively knocking on my door: l e a v e

Deleted user

okay who the fuck gave my address to Visiting Angels??


Yesterday, I was at the park and this lady came up to my mom asking if she wanted a bible. We're not Christian so my mom told her no thank you but this woman would not leave. My mom is telling her its fine thanks we don't need a bible and the lady is basically screaming at my mom telling her to go to god and asking if she believes in god and stuff. I was with my friends and didn't know what was happening so we walked up to them to see why the woman was screaming at my mom. The woman then turns to us and says, "Oh, maybe they want a bible" and we tell her no thanks and again she starts yelling at us. We finally convinced her that we have one at home and don't need one.

@The-Magician group

I just remember getting out of anesthesia and the nurse gave me my clothes and she said "don't stand up to put your clothes on or I'll have to take you to the emergency room." And my dumbass was like "eMeRgEnCy rOoM, wHy?" and she was like "You'll fall and hit your head." And I said "rEaLlY?" and then she left.

I want to experience this. I want to experience the effects of anaesthesia. But guess what? I’m ✨ resistant ✨ and I found that out the hard way.
RIP my dentist, the poor woman looked so confused


My family and I were on our weekly zoom call and somehow my siblings were arguing about who got the least attention because my parents sent one a gift card for MOD pizza and is uber eating the other one Chick-fil-a and I was sitting there until i took the IPad away and in my room I said " I have had a split lip for three days and I was in my room cause of a migraine all day yesterday and neither of them have said anything. I think I win" and then took the IPad back to my parents and acted like nothing happened


I used to be part of the small population of people who never experience headaches (outside of colds/sickness). This last month I've had one almost everyday. I think it's an anxiety thing. This sucks.


my nails are so short it makes me sad
years of trying to drop this habit and i still can't stop
for heck's sake…

What've you tried so far?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I take great pride in my fingernails
Screw everything, if you break one of my nails I'll kill you
I've got talons at this point
Very sharp
I accidently scratch people all the time with them.

@Pickles group

My nails were getting long but I've also stopped drinking milk so they are very brittle and I've already broken most of them


my nails are so short it makes me sad
years of trying to drop this habit and i still can't stop
for heck's sake…

What've you tried so far?

painting them
wearing gloves
boredom eating
and that's it

painting them seems to be the best solution, however the polish flakes off every 30 seconds and when there's none on since i've been wearing polish for so many years it feels wrong, prompting me to bite them again

Deleted user

psh imagine wanting long nails

It sucks

I’d kill to have nails that don’t grow stupidly long within the span of a week

then i accidentally hurt people i love (especially nowadays, upon other years of my life i didn’t feel bad) and waaahh


my nails are so short it makes me sad
years of trying to drop this habit and i still can't stop
for heck's sake…

What've you tried so far?

painting them
wearing gloves
boredom eating
and that's it

painting them seems to be the best solution, however the polish flakes off every 30 seconds and when there's none on since i've been wearing polish for so many years it feels wrong, prompting me to bite them again

Sometimes this fidgeting technique isn't always about the hands. Sometimes it's more oral centered. Have you tried chewing gum in order to keep your mouth busy?