forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Hmm, Talk about TV shows, like say. Paw patrol, or something like that.

@Pickles group

Hey how are, I miss you, I saw XXXX the other day and it was super cool (can be a toy or a kids movie or something), a goofy drawing or something, a cute story you wrote if you want, and then put in some stickers and they'll love you forever. Kids really don't care about what you write them as long as there's something for them. But your parents and the kids' parents will love that you wrote something and thought of giving their kids something, so whatever you write can pretty much be bullshit.

Deleted user

pah imagine having a superior music streaming service to Apple Music

@Pickles group

If you think it's something you can do and the parents would appreciate or be okay with, you could include a dollar for each of them so they can get something at the dollar store once everything calms down

Deleted user

Just realized I haven't listened to my playlist on my laptop in like 2 years

@saor_illust school

it's another late night/v early morning izzy vent
i wrote it last night and completely forgot about it until now
and i think it's important for me to share it, since it has stuff i really wanna make sure people know
here it is in all its glory aha
oh my god i just got struck with another made-up memory of me having to beg one of my best frens, idk who it wasn't clear but it i had to beg them to stay alive, to keep going even if all seems lost.

you guys
i don't ever want to have to lose you
not if i can help it
i value you all way too much
even the most annoying person on this site?
they have their cool bits, not quite sure who they are but they're a pretty okay person imo
so yeah
i don't know if i'd be able to face this site and act the same if one of you
if one of you just
just committed suicide

please keep going
if not for you, for me
promise me this
you won't die on me, not if i can help it

i know these promises help me
everytime i feel like i just wanna die, disappear from this world
i remember the promises i made to mir and angel and atlas and all my other frens
and then i just can't do it
i can't let my frens down.
so here i am, still fighting, still here
and its thanks to yall

ill end this with a more positive note, cause
i love you all
very, very dearly
you better remember that!

(it's currently 4am and i had to turn the wifi off if i wanna avoid getting in trouble tomorrow so ima have to post this in a couple hours)

Deleted user

you’re not the most annoying person on this site

not even CLOSE lmfao

@HighPockets group

you’re not the most annoying person on this site

not even CLOSE lmfao

Yeah Izzy, you're definitely not the most annoying user
Trust me on that one.