forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I had a dream I got so high off of pain killers that I met with a god in a fever dream and they told me an apocalypse was coming so I went to Walmart.

Deleted user

I had a dream about band starting. Emi was there but she was it for you guys

suck it, bitches

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Dude I saw a Tumblr post on my Pinterest a while ago that was basically like throw a party but the dress code is wear something you'll never have a chance to wear it to and then listed a bunch of examples like full on gowns and weird costumes
You gotta do that

I saw that one, too

It was a hella cool idea. I'd wear my sparkly mask with a mint blue -just discovered that was a real name- dress's shirt.

It makes me realize that I don't not have a place to wear any of my clothes. Even my Renaissance costume gets used once a year. Now it's just the occasional "well I don't have a reason to wear this anymore, but I've worn it like three times-". I do wear the same clothes over and over again just because I don't like the rest



@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I am SO ANGRY with my father right now.
I was just complaining about a couple of things that were bothering me and he asked to stop complaining. I told him that I was just expressing my opinion, and he told be to stop being negative. I said I couldn't just flip a switch and stop because I was just a bitter and sad person.
And so he proceed to give the "you have everything you could ever want so you have no reason to be depressed" speech.
I have few real friends and low self-esteem. Gee, I wonder why I'm sad!!!


Does anyone here know of any lunches I could make with 0 cooking experience? I have a bunch of odd noodles, some bread, and a heck ton of eggs

We’ve had sandwiches and leftovers for 5 days in a row now and I can’t with this anymore but mom doesn’t want to cook anything


You could cook the noodles and fry the eggs. I'm not sure what you'd do with the bread though.

@Pickles group

Does anyone here know of any lunches I could make with 0 cooking experience? I have a bunch of odd noodles, some bread, and a heck ton of eggs

We’ve had sandwiches and leftovers for 5 days in a row now and I can’t with this anymore but mom doesn’t want to cook anything

French toast (more breakfast, but still good), spaghetti and all the other noodles and some kind of sauce depending on what else you have, pizzas with the bread if you have spaghetti sauce (if your family has mountain pie cooker things, you can use those on the stove), baked mac and cheese (hmu, I have a good recipe), grilled cheese


nevermind the others are all completely ok with leftovers again and I’m the only weird one
might cook some ramen even though there’s not enough

@HighPockets group

Does anyone here know of any lunches I could make with 0 cooking experience? I have a bunch of odd noodles, some bread, and a heck ton of eggs

We’ve had sandwiches and leftovers for 5 days in a row now and I can’t with this anymore but mom doesn’t want to cook anything

French toast (more breakfast, but still good), spaghetti and all the other noodles and some kind of sauce depending on what else you have, pizzas with the bread if you have spaghetti sauce (if your family has mountain pie cooker things, you can use those on the stove), baked mac and cheese (hmu, I have a good recipe), grilled cheese

I'll add pizza with english muffins (even though you don't have any), eggs with salsa, spaghetti with canned tuna, parmesan, and mayo (maybe broccoli if you wanna be healthy)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Chicken owners everywhere else: chickens are very cute and nice and I love them

Nah. They're just smarter than people think but also stubborn to the point of idiocy.

@Pickles group

Chicken owners everywhere else: chickens are very cute and nice and I love them

Nah. They're just smarter than people think but also stubborn to the point of idiocy.

You have not seen people go off like I have

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I don't subscribe to most cultural beliefs so I would wear my sparkly mask most anywhere.

Reason I admire you #712

I haven't though because I keep forgetting. But perhaps the next time I walk the dogs. (Not mine. I'm house sitting.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I had a dream I got so high off of pain killers that I met with a god in a fever dream and they told me an apocalypse was coming so I went to Walmart.

That is what people do though so 10/10 accuracy.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Well I don't subscribe to most cultural beliefs so I would wear my sparkly mask most anywhere.

Reason I admire you #712

I haven't though because I keep forgetting. But perhaps the next time I walk the dogs. (Not mine. I'm house sitting.)

Please tell me what happens

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am SO ANGRY with my father right now.
I was just complaining about a couple of things that were bothering me and he asked to stop complaining. I told him that I was just expressing my opinion, and he told be to stop being negative. I said I couldn't just flip a switch and stop because I was just a bitter and sad person.
And so he proceed to give the "you have everything you could ever want so you have no reason to be depressed" speech.
I have few real friends and low self-esteem. Gee, I wonder why I'm sad!!!

Aight. Not to discredit you if you have depression. That stuff sucks. But you can change yourself. Not to say that your annoyance wasn't reasonable, but I also understand that people who complain a lot (this ring fitting you or not) can be really hard to be around.
So advice. Try to look on the bright side. Don't take things for granted. Every time you notice a small good thing in your life, give thanks for it. It won't solve everything (or necessarily the majority), but it will start to flush some mindset darkness out of you.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I don't subscribe to most cultural beliefs so I would wear my sparkly mask most anywhere.

Reason I admire you #712

I haven't though because I keep forgetting. But perhaps the next time I walk the dogs. (Not mine. I'm house sitting.)

Please tell me what happens

I'll try to remember. If anyone questions it I'll say that I care about people's grandmas.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Well I don't subscribe to most cultural beliefs so I would wear my sparkly mask most anywhere.

Reason I admire you #712

I haven't though because I keep forgetting. But perhaps the next time I walk the dogs. (Not mine. I'm house sitting.)

Please tell me what happens

I'll try to remember. If anyone questions it I'll say that I care about people's grandmas.

Please do