forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

As an Independent, that offends me.

No but really, dude wtf

@Moxie group

i said something about wearing masks the other day and mom just says in this super disappointed tone "dear gosh we're raising a democrat"
like what
i'm sorry i don't want to have to lose my grandpa because you don't like how the fabric feels on your nose???


Also my mom is very much not a democrat and she wears her mask and makes sure that my sister and I do too?????

What the fuck does politics have to do with this???
And why is your mom so stupid???

@HighPockets group

Why I don't speak in front of my parents 101

Oh mood
I try to explain to my mom that vaccines are good and she's like "why don't you do some research and talk to me again?" all nastily, like sorry you get your information from some stupid fucking Karen blog and I actually understand how medical science works :/


how is wanting people to stay safe during a global pandemic a biased political opinion
and I know I’ve said it before, but aren’t we supposed to be the pro-life ones???

@Pickles group

Why I don't speak in front of my parents 101

Oh mood
I try to explain to my mom that vaccines are good and she's like "why don't you do some research and talk to me again?" all nastily, like sorry you get your information from some stupid fucking Karen blog and I actually understand how medical science works :/

That's what my parents say to me too. And then they're like "make sure your sources aren't biased" and I'm like ,,,,I know


i said something about wearing masks the other day and mom just says in this super disappointed tone "dear gosh we're raising a democrat"
like what
i'm sorry i don't want to have to lose my grandpa because you don't like how the fabric feels on your nose???


Also my mom is very much not a democrat and she wears her mask and makes sure that my sister and I do too?????

What the fuck does politics have to do with this???
And why is your mom so stupid???


Deleted user

As a 100000% pro-choicer
I am now even more disappointed in ella's parents

Deleted user

but also like
even if you did identify as a democrat
so what lmao?
your family doesn't have to disown you because you disagree with them
my mom and I disagree on a lot of things politics-wise, and she's not exactly a great parent, but even she can understand my beliefs and respect them


but also like
even if you did identify as a democrat
so what lmao?
your family doesn't have to disown you because you disagree with them
my mom and I disagree on a lot of things politics-wise, and she's not exactly a great parent, but even she can understand my beliefs and respect them

well my parents aren’t exactly the most tolerant people
i’ve spent my entire life being told that democrats are evil people who are trying to steal all guns, force us to give up all our money, make child predators normalized, and kill babies in their spare time
no i’m not exaggerating

and of course the phrase “liberals are a mental illness”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't wear a mask except for a really sparkly one around my eyes that I need to pull out more. But my mom thinks we already got hit and I agree, based on the odd, unidentified, powerful, sickness that swept through the town and surrounding area as well as the international business especially in my town.


I don't wear a mask except for a really sparkly one around my eyes that I need to pull out more.

This is the most Dominic™️ thing i’ve read in months

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

make child predators normalized

Where is this even coming from?

The common theory that Gaiety is a result of sexual abuse. Plus Trans in the bathroom –> anyone in even if we don't already suspect the Trans.


make child predators normalized

Where is this even coming from?


They're letting trans people in the bathrooms!!!1! Excuse me, as my mom would put it "mentally ill people who think they're the wrong gender"

Ella I think we have the same parents just kidding, but they're very similar from what I've heard of yours

@Anemone eco

make child predators normalized

Where is this even coming from?


I have no words. Just anger.

@Pickles group

make child predators normalized

Where is this even coming from?


Your parents are not young boys, they have no reason to be afraid of any gay people at all
Even young boys don't really have much reason to be afraid, except the occasional gay old man who grooms little boys and sleeps with them and kills them
Besides that, I have no doubt that your parents haven't actually met a Real Live Gay for more than maybe three minutes
Come on
Homophobia is a dumb word

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I wish homophobes were literally scared of me

Do the next best thing and act as flamboyantly gay as possible in front of them

Hmm. I mean I do that sometimes and all I get are slow head shakes of What happened?