forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

is it too much to ask for to go to basic training and have a girlfriend who will write me letters and send me pictures while I'm there and then will come to my basic training graduation and hug me and cry with me

Deleted user

d00d when I graduate from the military y'all should come to my graduation

it'll be the first official notebook meetup

the drill instructors won't be annoyed at all


I'll bring the Martinelli's and the party poppers, someone else bring those party kazoo snake things. We'll make it quite the occasion.

Deleted user

I need help making a decision.

Another input on my incredibly harrowing journey of drum major. So the second song required for my audition went… extremely well. Better than I anticipated. I had been expecting to be ready to record by tomorrow night in the earliest, but anticipated my stupid ass requiring more time.

But a stupid amount of practice happened yesterday (over two HOURS of it; my arms hurt but it was worth it), where I figured out the score, the tempos, the style change, and basically I’m at the point where I’m pretty confident I could perform it for camera.

As nice as that sounds, I’m not sure it’d be smart to turn in my audition this early. This song is the last step I needed to take. I did everything else. It’s due July 1 (or this coming Monday for all of you behind the loop), and I’m not quite sure what to do. People who have experience/an opinion on it, please help?

@saor_illust school

d00d when I graduate from the military y'all should come to my graduation

it'll be the first official notebook meetup

the drill instructors won't be annoyed at all

would totally do it

@The-Magician group

d00d when I graduate from the military y'all should come to my graduation

it'll be the first official notebook meetup

the drill instructors won't be annoyed at all

I mean.. Give me a date and time, I'll book it off work and arrange the tickets.

@HighPockets group

I need help making a decision.

Another input on my incredibly harrowing journey of drum major. So the second song required for my audition went… extremely well. Better than I anticipated. I had been expecting to be ready to record by tomorrow night in the earliest, but anticipated my stupid ass requiring more time.

But a stupid amount of practice happened yesterday (over two HOURS of it; my arms hurt but it was worth it), where I figured out the score, the tempos, the style change, and basically I’m at the point where I’m pretty confident I could perform it for camera.

As nice as that sounds, I’m not sure it’d be smart to turn in my audition this early. This song is the last step I needed to take. I did everything else. It’s due July 1 (or this coming Monday for all of you behind the loop), and I’m not quite sure what to do. People who have experience/an opinion on it, please help?

I'd do it now, when you're confident and ready.

@Pickles group

I need help making a decision.

Another input on my incredibly harrowing journey of drum major. So the second song required for my audition went… extremely well. Better than I anticipated. I had been expecting to be ready to record by tomorrow night in the earliest, but anticipated my stupid ass requiring more time.

But a stupid amount of practice happened yesterday (over two HOURS of it; my arms hurt but it was worth it), where I figured out the score, the tempos, the style change, and basically I’m at the point where I’m pretty confident I could perform it for camera.

As nice as that sounds, I’m not sure it’d be smart to turn in my audition this early. This song is the last step I needed to take. I did everything else. It’s due July 1 (or this coming Monday for all of you behind the loop), and I’m not quite sure what to do. People who have experience/an opinion on it, please help?

Record it today, then keep practicing, and record it again the day you intended originally. Pick the one that's better and submit it
Also next week is not July

@HighPockets group

d00d when I graduate from the military y'all should come to my graduation

it'll be the first official notebook meetup

the drill instructors won't be annoyed at all

would totally do it

I totally will if I'm available to!

Deleted user

fuck i said July

I meant June

whatever J words are dumb

Thank youuu ❤️❤️