forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book


That's a new one. I think.

Actually, no. Well, yes. But no. It is one I have been using casually in my vocal speech for some time. But I normally consider it too harsh to use across the internet. But perhaps I don't care about it anymore? Idk.

That's one of the least harsh things you've said

I meant more brusque and insensitive. Which I am sometimes, of course. But I try to lessen that somewhat.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

alright quick question
what sounds less horrific

continuing to live but having the one voice keeping you safe leave you, to risk losing every important part of yourself until you become the same horrible person as everyone else, the one you promised you’d never be, someone who only finds joy in the pain you inflict, watching all your friends and family fall down the same dark, unforgiving void, while somehow staying completely blind to the horror in your ways

or escaping that dark path but having to face whatever might be waiting after death, this time with no turning back, no escape, just suffering for the rest of all eternity

asking for science reasons
…the second would probably be better cause it won’t hurt as many people and at least gives you a chance

Well if it were strictly this I would say selection two. However, the surface is not the reality and I say you have made too certain what is not and left out many things that might appear small but are not.

@Pickles group


That's a new one. I think.

Actually, no. Well, yes. But no. It is one I have been using casually in my vocal speech for some time. But I normally consider it too harsh to use across the internet. But perhaps I don't care about it anymore? Idk.

That's one of the least harsh things you've said

I meant more brusque and insensitive. Which I am sometimes, of course. But I try to lessen that somewhat.

I don't think it sounds as insensitive as you think it does. Then again, maybe I've just gotten used to it. You? Not sure how to put it.


I’m mad because my brother and I like this band and he is only two years older than me, and when he was my age my mom was letting him drive to California by himself to see the concert and pay for his ticket, gas, hotel, everything, but when I ask her to see the same band (she’s heard the music and knows it’s not like screamo) in our city, I will go with my cousin and uncle who both like the band, pay for my ticket, and only if it happens (it’s in November, so unless they cancel it, it will most likely happen) but I said I’d be fine if it didn’t happen. She still said no, and that irks me because it further proves he is the favorite child. And I know there is a pandemic going on, which is why I said that all I wanted was a maybe in case it did happen, And we could go over everything together and I know it might sound dumb, but I just want to go to it


Guess who finally got to weigh herself after ages :0
Y'all aren't gonna be happy with me, but I'm pleased :>

Deleted user

i don't wanna sound rude, but uhm,

how much do you weigh exactly?


I still look fat tho unless I'm laying on my back
Then all my bones become mountains and belly becomes valley lol

Deleted user

ohmygod that can't be healthy dude, even for me who weighs 100 pounds- but im 5'1 so i think that's okay


Caustic no. You're too skinny. I know that that's hard (I'm 150 pounds and only 5 feet tall…I look chubby and I know it, and I wish I wasn't) but you're too small. Please, you are going to starve yourself to death and that's not good for you

@Anemone eco


I can see from the fact that you put emphasis on the 'look' that you know you're not fat. It's probably just loose skin. There's no need for you to lose weight and make your self unhealthy. There are seriously people who care (like myself) and it is sad to see you damage yourself like this. Please, I am begging you, please eat.

Deleted user

Maddie, it’s not about eating anymore, for we know you’re not gonna do that however much we beg you to.

You need to get professional help. This is a mental illness that will kill you. You’re blind to the consequences it’s having on your body, and just like depression, it has a strong hand over your mind and will. Seek to tell your therapist or someone you trust who can get you immediate help.

@Anemone eco

Well, that's still no good, Maddie. You know exactly what I am saying. Your eating habits are unhealthy and I am begging you to gain slightly healthier ones. One step in that would definitely be eating more.


Caustic, please. When I saw a picture of you at one point my first thought was "she's too small". Because yes, I know that you want to feel better about your body, I understand that so much, Caustic. I really do because I've hated the way I look for years now (since i was ten). I understand. But you can't be so small that you're underweight, because that'll cause health problems. You could die, Caustic, and none of us want that to happen. We don't want to lose you
Please read "Wintergirls" by Laurie Halse Anderson, you might…I don't know. Maybe it'll help??

@Anemone eco

Maddie, it’s not about eating anymore, for we know you’re not gonna do that however much we beg you to.

You need to get professional help. This is a mental illness that will kill you. You’re blind to the consequences it’s having on your body, and just like depression, it has a strong hand over your mind and will. Seek to tell your therapist or someone you trust who can get you immediate help.

^^^ This.


But if I tell my therapist, he'll tell my parents and that's no beano
I make sure I eat enough to survive
I'm still getting protein, fruit, vegetables, carbs, and dairy almost every day
I've always been a picky eater and I've never been one to eat a lot of food anyways, so my eating habits aren't suspicious to my parents, who often eat with me
If they were really worried about it, they'd probably confront me