forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Kie group

Would a few of you maybe like to name some plantlife you very much love? I've decided to finally do some s t u d i e s because I literally never draw vegetation.

@Kie group

(If you could provide a picture of those orange flowers that'd be great! I'm more than willing to identify them on my own.)

Deleted user

Record it today

It has been d on e

Pickles, would you like me to send you it? You’re a band nerd, and I need another band nerd’s advice. Idk if it’s comprehensive or not

@Pickles group

Record it today

It has been d on e

Pickles, would you like me to send you it? You’re a band nerd, and I need another band nerd’s advice. Idk if it’s comprehensive or not

Do it

Deleted user

Epic thanks for the help dude! I’ll send it soon

Deleted user

I'm not even mad I missed an hour of notebook
I'm disappointed I missed it because I was playing fucking roblox

Deleted user

for all my peeps out here tempted to self-harm:
here's another reason not to.
I've attached some photos of one I just had about five minutes ago that consisted of me digging my nails into my thighs until it was covered in deep, swollen scratches.
they were bleeding so I had to put on some old shorts I never wear (because I'm an annoying e m o bitch) so please ignore the trashy blue, orange and white pattern.
major trigger warning.

ignore my thicc baby fingers these are my nails, pretty short, and yet my mind made me press them into my skin hard enough to leave such deep marks.

It doesn't look like much because my phone is trash, but my mom came home, saw it and screamed.

so don't.

you'll still be hooked years later.

@Anemone eco

Dear people in my neighbourhood.

Stop buying fucking selves of cleaning supplies. Other people, like myself, need them too. And I'd prefer too not have to fight someone over them. I just want to clean my fucking wall.

Sincerely, Zach. :)))

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Dear people on my street,

What part of 'pandemic' do y'all not understand? Don't let your kids play in the kiddie pool with other kids and put on some damn masks. It's not that hard.

@Kie group

I love my dog and understand she's a puppy but at the same time I don't because she just jumped up at me excitedly and instead of understanding my body language, continued to scratch at my arm to the point that it's red and stings.

@Anemone eco

Dear people on my street,

What part of 'pandemic' do y'all not understand? Don't let your kids play in the kiddie pool with other kids and put on some damn masks. It's not that hard.

Exactly though.

The pandemic isn't over.
The virus isn't a hoax.
Masks are for your safety (and you're not supposed to cut holes in them to breath easier).

Stop being fucking idiots.

Deleted user

You know what’s super cool

I was on my walk this morning, and I was on a particularly narrow sidewalk, when two Karens came up the hill. So me being me, in my ardency to protect people, I whipped out my mask and held it over my nose and mouth just to make sure they felt safe walking by me, and didn’t feel the need to go into the street.

But one of the Karens, IN MOCKERY OF ME, pulls her shirt up over her nose in a hurried fashion whenever they notice and started laughing. Her stupid Karen friend laughed, and I gave a half assed, haha apathy.

Deleted user

the people in my neighborhood are hosting fucking parties and letting off fireworks and gunshots at goddamn one am and im pissed 'cause i can't get any sleep because of it.

Deleted user

They were in their late fifties at least, so I didn’t have to do that shit to protect myself. Masks aren’t made to protect me, they’re made to protect you.

I ain’t have to do jack

don’t fucking mock me for taking a pandemic seriously.


i said something about wearing masks the other day and mom just says in this super disappointed tone "dear gosh we're raising a democrat"
like what
i'm sorry i don't want to have to lose my grandpa because you don't like how the fabric feels on your nose???