forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

Wow, I go offline for a few hours to sit by the kiddie pool and read, and Pickles cheats on me D:

What did you expect? Lizzie's a ho.

Love ya, Lizzie. <3

@Pickles group

Wow, I go offline for a few hours to sit by the kiddie pool and read, and Pickles cheats on me D:

Are we really surprised?


I'm married to a lot of people on notebook, she'll get over it

@Pickles group

Wow, I go offline for a few hours to sit by the kiddie pool and read, and Pickles cheats on me D:

What did you expect? Lizzie's a ho.

Love ya, Lizzie. <3

You bet ;)

@Anemone eco

We've already had one marriage crisis this year
One is enough

You shut your mouth and embrace the matrimony, child.

@Pickles group

We've already had one marriage crisis this year
One is enough

I can and will propose to whoever I want. It was Dom's fault anyhow.
One more proposal won't cause another crisis. We're all married to each other already. If anything, we'll all just marry Owen

@HighPockets group

I'm in a crisis between not making Jyn sad and marrying Pickles.
Solution? Marry everybody.

Now I get to live the life of an anime protagonist I say, having never seen a single anime

@Pickles group

I'm in a crisis between not making Jyn sad and marrying Pickles.
Solution? Marry everybody.

Don't worry, everyone's desire to be married to me causes all kinds of problems. But it all works out in the end

@Anemone eco

I'm in a crisis between not making Jyn sad and marrying Pickles.
Solution? Marry everybody.

Now I get to live the life of an anime protagonist I say, having never seen a single anime

Don't worry. It's something that would totally happen.