forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Your parents are not young boys, they have no reason to be afraid of any gay people at all
Even young boys don't really have much reason to be afraid, except the occasional gay old man who grooms little boys and sleeps with them and kills them
Besides that, I have no doubt that your parents haven't actually met a Real Live Gay for more than maybe three minutes
Come on
Homophobia is a dumb word

That escalated quickly.
But you're right, probably.
Except Emi once told me it wasn't and I can't remember why, but I found it convincing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

What's the female version of flamboyantly gay?
Super duper butch?

Deck yourself out in rainbows and run around screaming 'Yes homo'. If somebody gets in your way, cut their head off with a sword. The sword is very very shiny and has rainbow scarves at the end.

@Pickles group

Your parents are not young boys, they have no reason to be afraid of any gay people at all
Even young boys don't really have much reason to be afraid, except the occasional gay old man who grooms little boys and sleeps with them and kills them
Besides that, I have no doubt that your parents haven't actually met a Real Live Gay for more than maybe three minutes
Come on
Homophobia is a dumb word

That escalated quickly.
But you're right, probably.
Except Emi once told me it wasn't and I can't remember why, but I found it convincing.

Well spit, Emi. I wanna hear

@Moxie group

I think you would make a terrible butch.

I could be butch if I wanted to
What exactly about me would make me a terrible butch??

@Pickles group

I think you would make a terrible butch.

I could be butch if I wanted to
What exactly about me would make me a terrible butch??

You're a princess. It's your brand.

Deleted user

I can be a pretty good butch
being fem is tricky but I think I could true that too

@Moxie group

What's the female version of flamboyantly gay?
Super duper butch?

Deck yourself out in rainbows and run around screaming 'Yes homo'. If somebody gets in your way, cut their head off with a sword. The sword is very very shiny and has rainbow scarves at the end.

Okay I can get behind that

@Moxie group

I think you would make a terrible butch.

I could be butch if I wanted to
What exactly about me would make me a terrible butch??

You're a princess. It's your brand.

Shit I can't argue with that

@Moxie group

I think you would make a terrible butch.

I could be butch if I wanted to
What exactly about me would make me a terrible butch??

Your aesthetic is very fem.

Dom no offense but you've literally seen two pictures of me

@Milani eco

Respect that she's not ready for a relationship and just accept it as it is? Maybe?

yeh i thought so.. :) thanks!

Deleted user

Hi i know i should practice and i want to like so desperately but i also don’t want to there’s literally nothing stopping me

@Pickles group

Hi i know i should practice and i want to like so desperately but i also don’t want to there’s literally nothing stopping me


Deleted user

Hi i know i should practice and i want to like so desperately but i also don’t want to there’s literally nothing stopping me


but the thing is, in theory, I don’t have to. I could turn that shit in right this second and be like, yeah it might, but my left side shunned brain is like, b i t c h you can literally do 1000000000x better

so pickles i’m angry and maybe you should go practice

@Pickles group

Hi i know i should practice and i want to like so desperately but i also don’t want to there’s literally nothing stopping me


but the thing is, in theory, I don’t have to. I could turn that shit in right this second and be like, yeah it might, but my left side shunned brain is like, b i t c h you can literally do 1000000000x better

so pickles i’m angry and maybe you should go practice

Okay but do I gotta
My parents will be home soon (probably. Hopefully), I'm supposed to be asleep, and I still have another day before my next lesson

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think you would make a terrible butch.

I could be butch if I wanted to
What exactly about me would make me a terrible butch??

Your aesthetic is * fem.

Dom no offense but you've literally seen two pictures of me


Deleted user

Hi i know i should practice and i want to like so desperately but i also don’t want to there’s literally nothing stopping me


but the thing is, in theory, I don’t have to. I could turn that shit in right this second and be like, yeah it might, but my left side shunned brain is like, b i t c h you can literally do 1000000000x better

so pickles i’m angry and maybe you should go practice

Okay but do I gotta
My parents will be home soon (probably. Hopefully), I'm supposed to be asleep, and I still have another day before my next lesson

oh uh idk then

Just practice extra long tomorrow. Like ultra long

@Milani eco

I'm annoyed because nobody but me could get this riddle so i felt smart. Why am i annoyed? I have no idea ahhahahah
this is the riddle: There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?

Tell me the answer if you know ahaha