forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Anemone eco

Ah, I feel. I haven't been able to get in contact with my friend since the beginning of the month. Which is… concerning. I just really hope they're okay.

Deleted user

sos tireed

Sleep then.

fuck oyiu chicken ksitprps

@darling-velocipede group

Ah, I feel. I haven't been able to get in contact with my friend since the beginning of the month. Which is… concerning. I just really hope they're okay.

yikes i'm sorry love, that has to be frightening


It's 12:30 am and I should be sleeping but all of a sudden I just
I really miss theatre
I wrote out a thing in notes and went to copy it but I ACCIDENTALLY FREAKING DELETED THE WHOLE THING so it looks like I have to retype it

I miss theatre
I miss the nervousness of auditions
I miss the anticipated of waiting for the cast list
I miss the excitement of seeing what or who you were cast as
I miss rehearsals
I miss the first read-through of the script
I miss learning the music and choreography
I miss running the show over and over
I miss growing attached to my character and to the show
I miss the chaos of tech week
I miss everything that goes on backstage
I miss the overwhelming joy of performing our show for an audience for the first time
I miss the excitement I feel onstage during every performance
I miss the sadness of performing our show for the very last time, and having to say goodbye to it
I miss the fun cast parties
I miss spending time with my theatre family
I miss the way we would all support each other, even if we didn't really know each other that well
I miss them feelings of joy, and excitement, and l i f e that theatre gives me
I miss theatre

It is now 12:45 and I need to go to sleep, but I just want to be able to do theatre again
I miss it
Theatre is such a huge part of my life
It's made me into a different person than I was before
It's changed me for good
And right now that's gone


"Who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you, I have been changed for good"


My mom thinks it weird that I call some of the most mundane things an adventure. It could be going to another country, or going to a thrift store, but to me it is an adventure is just anything without planning it out too much and she keeps teasing me about it and now I don't think it is fun to call them adventures anymore

@saor_illust school

i don't even know what to say
the firs tperson i came out to on discord told people
people that i trust
i don't even know how i'm supposed to feel about this
or how i feel about this
i was gonna tell them
but on my own timeline
when i was ready
i trusted them
but no
they went and betrayed that trust
i'm lowkey panicking right now


waking up and reading my vents from the day before is always so embarrassing, like that’s not at all what’s happening dude you are so dramatic-

but then I just come up with an even more dramatic possibly contradictory one to vent about and somehow still manage to believe it as the truth, repeating the cycle nearly every day

@Pickles group

I've woken up at 11 the past two days (and not been hungry) and I'm upset. I don't need 10 and a half hours of sleep