forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

incoming vent yall
this seemed a lot simpler and easier to do when i was half-asleep and not-fed
(this was written awhile ago)
so im just minding my own business, and i have this extension in chrome that lets me see all my past copied things right?
so i open it, because i have no wifi connection atm (and still dont actually) and im bored
and i see two gif links
so i go recopy them and paste them in my browser, wondering what they are
somehow, i can still see the gifs!!
i don't know why this is
or how this is
because when i reload the page, it tells me that i have no internet, and i'm well aware of that
but when i copy the url of the gif, and paste it in another new tab
i get the expected gif!!

okay so that isn't the point of this vent rn
now, these are the gifs im talking about:

and i stare at the second one for a long time, trying to find meaning out of it
because i remember,
i copied those as a reminder to myself
so i dont get myself hurt trying to do exactly that-
i cant save everyone
it hurts
that knowledge that i cant
it hurts
i want to
i really, really want to
but i cant
right now, in this moment, if i could pick any superpower in the entire existence of the world
i would choose to be able to save everyone without hurting myself
no doubt
its something that im always wanting to do
but i cant do it

…it really, really hurts that i cant

@Echo_6 group

You can't save everyone, true. However don't look at it as if you're standing alone. Look at it this way. You can save ten people. Those ten can then help you by saving ten more each. You see where I'm going with this?
It is impossible to save everyone by yourself. So you have to get some help. Everyone needs someone to save them at some point.

@saor_illust school

i actually really needed that
thank you <3

also if i get the name wrong im so sorry but is that rachel i see? i haven't seen you around in a while, how have you been? (and if you've been here the whole time jksldfkljfds im just blind sorry)

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

Look at it this way. You can save ten people. Those ten can then help you by saving ten more each. You see where I'm going with this?

now hear me out, idk if this analogy is gonna make any sense, but i like to think of it this way:

you're a fire, right? a burning bundle of sticks and wood. every time you help someone whose fire is burning low you give them a few pieces of firewood. now if you keep doing that forever, eventually you're gonna run out of kindling and your fire will die out. but if you can help, say, ten people, like they said, then those people can go on and give some of their kindling to others. that way everyone's fire still has a chance to burn.

i'm not really good at this so all i can do is hope that helped.

just remember you're never alone, k?

Deleted user

The only person you can really save is yourself.

@saor_illust school

i just had to kick kitty out of my room cause i'm finally gonna go to sleep in a bit
and i get that she's old
but i talked with my dad and we're not getting doggy pads
we're gonna keep trying to make her not lazy
which means that i can have kitty in my room
i just gotta make sure that when she is, she's either entering/leaving or on my bed
not wandering around
also it means that when i'm going to sleep or leaving the room i either gotta kick her out or hurry back quickly

i felt so bad kicking her out T-T
i dont like doing that


you know you’re tired when you spend like 4 hours of your unfortunately early morning just spamming for pokemon and talking about how appetizing they are
mmm flat duck of chocolatey pancake goodness


I am trying to take a class online for the summer, and I keep running into problems with the program and it irks me because I need to do 20% of the work by Friday or else I will be dropped from the class


Bruh that sucks so hard. I'm sorry.

Mhm. And the worst part is that up until this morning, I thought i had done okay on the final. I was pretty sure that I would get at least a decent score. But I didn't, I failed it somehow and I don't understand what I did wrong??

Okay I don’t know what they’re teaching you over there, but C is not a fail. Like, by any means.
Over here, if we manage to get even a low C, we’re crying tears of happiness because the exams are feckin atrocities that need to be burned in hell.
Cs get degrees kids, just saying.

Okay yes that's great for college and all but grades actually do matter quite a bit in highschool because the colleges we're trying to get into really look at that shit.

But that's not relevant to this situation Ice because you tried really really hard. And we're all super proud of you and I'm really sorry your parents are shitty and don't see how hard you tried.

Thank you Lee, Moxie. And my parents…they aren't shitty, I'm just the oldest child and so there are a lot of expectations that I need to fulfill that I can't, and then everyone gets upset and that's just kinda how life goes


Okay I don’t know what they’re teaching you over there, but C is not a fail. Like, by any means.

Over here, if we manage to get even a low C, we’re crying tears of happiness because the exams are feckin atrocities that need to be burned in hell.
Cs get degrees kids, just saying.

Tell that to the American school system, you wanna know why we're all messed up, that's where you look.
Chemistry is crazy hard for a lot of people including me, you have to build up an entirely new way of thinking. By the time most of study Chemistry, that's physically really hard to do, our brains just really don't want to do anymore rebuilding. Chemistry is crazy crazy hard and our brains literally don't want to learn it. You shouldn't feel bad about that grade.

I don't feel bad about the grade, since I know i tried. I feel bad for disappointing my parents, and because i might end up having to repeat it, and i just…I know I won't do any better if I repeat it and I don't want to, but I don't think they would listen to me?? Idk


oh big mood there
that happened once to me when i played my favorite song in the car about a year ago and i haven't shared my music with anyone since