forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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It does the opposite of pleasing me.

Why can't you just be happy with me

Because Jeff fills me with primal fear.

I have achieved my goal.
I can hear his friend saying "I won't tell if you don't daddy" and I hate it

I love that he shares a name with Jeff Blim, god of chaos
For example

@HighPockets group

It does the opposite of pleasing me.

Why can't you just be happy with me

Because Jeff fills me with primal fear.

I have achieved my goal.
I can hear his friend saying "I won't tell if you don't daddy" and I hate it

I love that he shares a name with Jeff Blim, god of chaos
For example

Oh God I can hear that image-

Deleted user

Hello, another annoying update from your least favorite band kid:

So I just finished recording the first song required for my audition, and usually musician’s remorse would’ve settled in before I even uploaded it to Google Classroom with the other things I’ve done, but

I think I did a good job.

Like, I was super nervous prior to recording the song due to the fact that I had only been practicing conducting for five days, but I learned SSB along with it (and the other one but it’s more of a pain in the ass). So I just recorded every try on the song and I eventually got one that I liked. There was only one nitpick I had, and it was I slowed down a l i t t l e in the beginning, and I forgot a breath after the smallest fermata near the end (music lingo for those who cares).

So yeah now I only have one more thing to do, and I’m hoping to get to record that on Thursday if I practice it enough.

@Pickles group

Hello, another annoying update from your least favorite band kid:

Oh honey do you want me to describe my least favorite band kid because you are certainly not him

@HighPockets group

Hello, another annoying update from your least favorite band kid:

Oh honey do you want me to describe my least favorite band kid because you are certainly not him



god why am i doing this
my handwriting looks like it was written by a third grader
i can’t even take this letter seriously
it’s just so… bad
by the time i’m finished it’ll be too late anyway

Deleted user



but thank Izzy :D

also Nate told me that he believes I can get it, and have a relatively high chance of getting it and it meant a lot to me. He’s not exactly the “I’m gonna hide my true feelings” type, and would’ve told me if I couldn’t do it. i feel speciall

@saor_illust school

nyo i refuse
but yw! :DD

and ella, it's okay. idk if this will help, but do whatever gets your point across. it doesn't matter too much how bad your handwriting is, as long as it gets your point across

@Pickles group

Ella, love, don't worry about making it perfect. If you try to make it perfect, you'll never get around to actually doing it, you'll make yourself sick with frustration, and it'll be less real. Just do it and then worry afterwards.

@Pickles group

"Do the scary thing first, and get scared later." -Lemony Snicket, not me because I'm not 14 and this is not me being deep

Deleted user

"Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me." - Smash Mouth

Deleted user

okay but for real though–
"The sun will rise and we will try again." - 21 Pilots


it’s nearly 9 already
i couldn’t do it tonight even if i wanted to
i’ve just crumpled the damn thing
don’t know why i even tried

Deleted user

You don’t know why?

You’re doing it because somewhere in there, you want to keep fighting. You need to keep fighting.

You’ll do it again tomorrow. No questions asked. You will.

Deleted user

bitch I will not hesitate to absolutely bully you until you do it

@Pickles group

Write it tonight. Tomorrow, as soon as you can, put it under her pillow if you think you absolutely can't do it tonight. Or wait for her to fall asleep and do it while she's sleeping but that might be a little weird

Deleted user

It’ll absolutely be worth it later. Plant the seeds and sow them for a delicious reward. Write it again. She’s your mother, she’ll be able to make out your handwriting.