forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Bruh that sucks so hard. I'm sorry.

Mhm. And the worst part is that up until this morning, I thought i had done okay on the final. I was pretty sure that I would get at least a decent score. But I didn't, I failed it somehow and I don't understand what I did wrong??

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I need to write an essay but I'm running into a writing block.
I find it slightly funny because I'm usually throwing out things on how to write essay's and here I am stumped.

That does contain a sort of delicious irony.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bruh that sucks so hard. I'm sorry.

Mhm. And the worst part is that up until this morning, I thought i had done okay on the final. I was pretty sure that I would get at least a decent score. But I didn't, I failed it somehow and I don't understand what I did wrong??

I feel. Except for the Sociology with the whack prof Chem was the first college class that I did kind of terribly on.


Bruh that sucks so hard. I'm sorry.

Mhm. And the worst part is that up until this morning, I thought i had done okay on the final. I was pretty sure that I would get at least a decent score. But I didn't, I failed it somehow and I don't understand what I did wrong??

I feel. Except for the Sociology with the whack prof Chem was the first college class that I did kind of terribly on.

This is a high school class, so I'm dreading the fact that I might have to take it in college


I need to write an essay but I'm running into a writing block.
I find it slightly funny because I'm usually throwing out things on how to write essay's and here I am stumped.

That does contain a sort of delicious irony.

To be fair, the prompt is so bad. We need to write a 6 page essay on why or why not Literature matters in the real world, easy enough. But we're only allowed to talk about books we've read in class, but she also has a bunch of points we have to use but none of those points really relate to the books we read. I wan't to use LOTR to discus ow the world influences literature and use some fantasy novels talk about how fantasy shapes children form a young age throw in something about the Chronicles of Narnia to show religious allegories. but we're not allowed to use anything outside of what we've studied on class. I don't want to talk about "Death of a salesmen" It's boring and stupid, Every thing we've read talks about one thing, the corruption of humanity, obviously they didn't do much to change humans because we're as corrupt as ever so I don't have anything to work with.

@saor_illust school

i feel like this is just way too small of a problem but ill vent anyways because it's what was specified in the original thread

so i love my cat to death, i really do. she used to sleep with me every night until tonight. there is a good reason why. now, i get that she's old and all (15) but that one corner of my room is not her litterbox and yet she's been treating it like for for awhile now, which means that i had to ban her from my room ;-;

i don't like doing this cause i love cuddling with my kitty on my bed but i can't watch her every second of the day, so i have to let her know that she isn't allowed to use my room as a litterbox

@Pickles group

Doggy pads. That they use for when puppies are still learning to go outside. We started using them when my cat was around 14 or 15 in his problem spots. You'll have to pick them up and change them, but tbh it's better than cleaning a litter box (but you still have to do that), and it's a small price to pay to let your cat in your room. They're also pretty inexpensive. 10/10 would recommend

@saor_illust school

ah i see

most people don't know this (ig mostly because it's not a thing i talk about a whole lot??) but she's an indoor/outdoor cat so i'm pretty sure she's also never used a litter box in her entire life

we just want her to go do her business outside, but i'll talk to my dad about that- thanks lizzie!

Deleted user

guess who's stuck in their brain freaking themselves out by wondering if quarantine will last forever/multiple years


It wont last forever, nothing ever does. My worry is once it's lifted people still wont go out out of fear.

@Pickles group

It does the opposite of pleasing me.

Why can't you just be happy with me

Because Jeff fills me with primal fear.

I have achieved my goal.
I can hear his friend saying "I won't tell if you don't daddy" and I hate it

@HighPockets group

It does the opposite of pleasing me.

Why can't you just be happy with me

Because Jeff fills me with primal fear.

I have achieved my goal.
I can hear his friend saying "I won't tell if you don't daddy" and I hate it

Thanks, I hate it too!