forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


Dom, pretty much my only interaction with you was telling you to stop putting periods after one word. You haven’t stopped.


I'd like to be vent for a moment about my computer, for deciding yesterday that my preferred drawing program (Krita, because it's free and I'm broke), is now too complicated for the computer's graphics card (to be fair, it's a Macbook Air from 2015, soo), and forcing me to downgrade to a less complicated, simpler, not quite as good program that i'm not familiar with, so I have to relearn everything


oh gosh i hated that one so much-
i wish you well

I'm hoping to get a new computer (my bday is coming up on June 4), so. If I can get a new laptop, then I can get a better program


I mean, it's easy to pick up. I used to use FireAlpaca and it's like that, but more tools
I like it fine, but I've never used anything better


I mean, it's easy to pick up. I used to use FireAlpaca and it's like that, but more tools
I like it fine, but I've never used anything better

I mean…Krita isn't too much better, but I was more familiar with it, and ughh

@Mojack group

damn well apparently GvK might get delayed AGAIN and i really just

some people are arguing that since I waited 5 years for KOTM I can wait another year for GvK…well I could but I’d honestly rather not a repeat of that happen again. GvK is one of my top, if not number one, movies I’m waiting for this year and I’ve been so mentally drained I just.. fuck COVID-19 for this.

Deleted user

so apparently it's a fucking crime to not want to go to Bloomer
mom, it's memorial day and we're in a global pandemic
there couldn't be less to do
i don't want to just walk around and look at the closed-down town for two hours
and for some reason that makes me a bad person who always stops the family from having fun
jesus fucking christ


I need to write an essay but I'm running into a writing block.
I find it slightly funny because I'm usually throwing out things on how to write essay's and here I am stumped.


Guess who got a low "C" in Chemistry??

This bitch right here

I failed the final. I only got one goddamn problem right. One.

Overall, I got a low "C"

Idk if I have to repeat it or not, but

Now my parents are looking at me like I failed them somehow, because "you're smart enough to do better" like?? I tried?? And this is what I got?? And they're telling me I didn't try hard enough, even though I cried multiple times over how difficult it was??

God. I just…i hate this so much