forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I had another dream that Mir deleted her account while I was asleep and didn't say goodbye. Something else happened too but I can't remember


unfortunate news i am still here
my arms hurt like hell and my eyes feel like they’re made of bees
but i’m here

…i have to write that letter today
i have to tell someone
i’m going to tell someone
and i need y’all to make sure i do
i’m done chickening out
please don’t let me chicken out

Deleted user

I had another dream that Mir deleted her account while I was asleep and didn't say goodbye. Something else happened too but I can't remember

d00d you know I'm saying goodbye before I leave

Deleted user

I might have just taken my meds three times
and now I'm kind of freaking out because our pharmacy is closed and I don't know how I'd get more once I run out

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Deleted user

oh god what do i write

Just be honest, love. Write what's been going on.

@HighPockets group

Extra late night pickles is here to say that I had a dream that Eva and I moved into a dorm together and it was fun except it was also scary for some reason. Don't remember what it was

Obviously it wasn't scary because of the reanimated bodies.


Pour your heart out my dude. Tell how you're feeling, and be as raw and plain as possible. The letter doesn't have to be poetic or complex. It can be as simple as you want it to be. Of course, these aren't simple emotions to deal with, and finding the right words to express it is hard. Write down what you know. List the emotions and thoughts you know are the problem, and include them in the letter. Assert that you know you need to get professional help. Tell them what you know about your life, your emotions, your thoughts, and what you know about your future. If you want, tell them what you're unsure about. This will help them get on the same page with you, and hopefully help them make informed decisions about your mental health.

Deleted user

if this goes wrong i’m hopeless-

No. If this goes wrong we try again. And again. We don't give up here, Els.

@Pickles group

Extra late night pickles is here to say that I had a dream that Eva and I moved into a dorm together and it was fun except it was also scary for some reason. Don't remember what it was

Obviously it wasn't scary because of the reanimated bodies.

I think we were at some camp like either a very relaxed military camp or some kind of theater camp

@HighPockets group

Extra late night pickles is here to say that I had a dream that Eva and I moved into a dorm together and it was fun except it was also scary for some reason. Don't remember what it was

Obviously it wasn't scary because of the reanimated bodies.

I think we were at some camp like either a very relaxed military camp or some kind of theater camp

Oh wait I go to a theatre camp irl
Don't stay at a dorm since it's by my grandparents' house
But still
Weirdly plausible

@Pickles group

Lizzie, I think you should take a break.
And I'd happily help you with that.
You have the NBN squad's numbers. How about sometime soon you try to stay off nb for one day? I would even do it with you. We could hold each other accountable.

I'm trying to only let myself on once an hour for today, and depending on how it goes, I might try to take a day off. It's just really scary and I need to show myself that I wouldn't really miss that much and coming back would be okay, y'know?
And it's not just notebook, I feel like that about my real life too, I just hate it more because I can't control what I miss. With Notebook, I can shut everything out and be on a lot, but irl I'm not invited everywhere, and I can't just be everywhere so I don't miss anything.


got my notes
not turning back

i’ll leave it under her pillow so she only finds it tonight when both of us are able to sit down and talk afterwards without worrying about the siblings

@HighPockets group

got my notes
not turning back

i’ll leave it under her pillow so she only finds it tonight when both of us are able to sit down and talk afterwards without worrying about the siblings

Good luck <3


I had to wake up like two hours early so we could watch the Livestream for church, and I am exhausted. I didn't sleep hardly at all, was tossing and turning all night, roasting hot (as in literally, not physically), and I just,,,, ughhhh


My birthday is in July and for some reason my parents want a list of things I want for my birthday, so I put together a small list of like Face masks (They really help my skin), a shirt from a company I really like, some rings, and some small stuff and they said "No, what is something you really want" So I showed them an underwater camera I've been looking at, which was like $60, and was planning to buy in a couple weeks when my paycheck came in and when I showed my parents, they went off on me for believing that they were "Made of money" and that I would believe "That we can actually afford stuff that isn't really needed" And, I'm not mad because I'm buying it soon anyways, but it was just weird