forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Overall, I did a lot today. Worked on my blanket, listened to part of two audiobooks, made a little progress on an ebook, learned how to crochet flowers and made four, finished the bracelet I was working on and made progress on another, went on a walk, listened to a podcast episode, played uno with my family, and binge watched some old shows because nostalgia. I'm gonna try to go to bed I guess.
Try not to get into too much drama and please include me in any and all PM's you may or may not make in the next 12 hours. Izzy, Nie, and Mir: hecking go to bed before you wear yourselves out completely, nerds. Everyone: stay alive SSDGM

@Anemone eco

I passed out for a few hours earlier today. I'll try to get some sleep, but no guarantees. See ya later, maybe, Lizzie.


i read something about this once and apparently if mosquitoes went extinct it likely wouldn’t have any severe negative effects on other species
they’re one of the few living creatures where the whole world would be better off without them

so let’s get on this

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i read something about this once and apparently if mosquitoes went extinct it likely wouldn’t have any severe negative effects on other species
they’re one of the few living creatures where the whole world would be better off without them

so let’s get on this

I'm down
Luckily, I went inside tonight before the tiny flying vampires began to wreak havoc.

@Pickles group

I hate this. I hate feeling like I can't disagree with my friends without fighting with them and them hating me. I hate being so scared of missing something that I'm unable to sleep. I hate that my shoulder hurts so much. I hate that my back hurts whenever I sit in my desk chair for five minutes. Also a bunch of other stuff but those are minor

@HighPockets group

I hate this. I hate feeling like I can't disagree with my friends without fighting with them and them hating me. I hate being so scared of missing something that I'm unable to sleep. I hate that my shoulder hurts so much. I hate that my back hurts whenever I sit in my desk chair for five minutes. Also a bunch of other stuff but those are minor

Bitch I'll love you no matter what so jot that down.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

i read something about this once and apparently if mosquitoes went extinct it likely wouldn’t have any severe negative effects on other species
they’re one of the few living creatures where the whole world would be better off without them

so let’s get on this

I'm down
Luckily, I went inside tonight before the tiny flying vampires began to wreak havoc.

Mission: Extinction

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I hate this. I hate feeling like I can't disagree with my friends without fighting with them and them hating me. I hate being so scared of missing something that I'm unable to sleep. I hate that my shoulder hurts so much. I hate that my back hurts whenever I sit in my desk chair for five minutes. Also a bunch of other stuff but those are minor

Bitch I'll love you no matter what so jot that down.

Hoping aboard the love train!

@Pickles group

I hate this. I hate feeling like I can't disagree with my friends without fighting with them and them hating me. I hate being so scared of missing something that I'm unable to sleep. I hate that my shoulder hurts so much. I hate that my back hurts whenever I sit in my desk chair for five minutes. Also a bunch of other stuff but those are minor

Bitch I'll love you no matter what so jot that down.

Part of my brain knows that, but the loud part is terrified that everyone hates me and if I say anything wrong, everyone will hate me and leave me and I'll be left all alone, forced to watch everyone around me be happy and no one will ever talk to me again. And that everyone thinks that I'm begging for attention every time I say something, that I am just begging for attention, because I can't handle people not liking me and doing things without me. That even the people that do like me don't like me as much as I like them and that they think I'm clingy and annoying and they're just waiting for me to do something that validates them dumping me (which now that I think about it, could be the reason that the scariest part of my dream last night was my ex "boyfriend" but that's a whole other can of worms, only to be opened in front of some unlucky therapist should I ever choose to go). And all of me is scared that one day everyone will be gone and I'll be the only one here, questioning my existence in a pit of newbies, because everyone else moved on and I couldn't. And I know I should probably take a break but I can't even bring myself to leave for half an hour because I'm going to miss something and when I come back, everything will be different and I'll be alone again.


Happy vent: I got to be part of a family today. This is the most relaxed I've been in such a long while, especially when surrounded by people.
It's also shown me that there's still hope for me. That the emotions I buried to protect myself are still there. My anger and hatred haven't burned away the last shreds of my human decency. I still care. I still love.

Deleted user

I have discovered good news :D
So I'm happyyyy.

Deleted user

Lizzie, I think you should take a break.
And I'd happily help you with that.
You have the NBN squad's numbers. How about sometime soon you try to stay off nb for one day? I would even do it with you. We could hold each other accountable.

Deleted user

ella, how about we don't suffocate ourselves today?

@Pickles group

Extra late night pickles is here to say that I had a dream that Eva and I moved into a dorm together and it was fun except it was also scary for some reason. Don't remember what it was