forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Echo_6 group

Me: Does absolutely nothing.
My Parents: "Look at your little sister, she has straight A's aren't you proud of her, she's amazing."
Me: Instantly feeling like a complete failure because I have C's and B's in all of my classes. "yeah…. she's great."
Do y'all wanna know why I'm leaving to join the military?! This! This is why!
Maybe I'll get lucky and I won't ever have to come back.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Spent the day taking a hose to 50+ muddy US Flags that are normally hung throughout my hometown. Once they were clean of said mud my dad and I went around town and put them up. A lot of people are helping out with cleaning the areas hit by dam failure/breach flooding; people from different states have even come to help out in any way they can. Whether they are handing out food and drink, or getting down and dirty (and I do mean dirty), it helps out in so many ways. I and many others will be forever grateful to the generosity of others during all of this.

(The one in front of the dam is my favourite of these pictures.)

@saor_illust school

i was just watching a twoset video
because you know, i was bored
but then i realised
all the orchestral summer camps are cancelled bc of coronavirus
the rest of the season was cancelled for both the youth symphonies and school orchestra
i wanna go back to orchestraaaaaa
i kinda miss seating auditions now tbh
i'd rather always have to have seatings than never go back to orchestra
insert silent screams

@saor_illust school

Yeah aha

true true
but i miss my stand partnerrrrrr
she was so cute and sweet
and yes the basically entirety of that violin section made me feel old because they were all so young
they were all so cute !!

@Pickles group

I'm gonna miss my stand partner from this year. She's great
well, we'll be the only two upperclassmen in the flute section for marching band and she's gonna be my unofficial co-section leader so that's good ig


ok so operation getting help has been moved to tomorrow because my dumbass self decided to spend the entire day slowly reworking the letter in text before swinging for two hours and now it’s already bedtime and you can’t really write down and quietly slip a letter under your mom’s pillow while she’s there


Hm. Don’t beat yourself up for that, it’s OK, as long as you hold yourself to it instead of continuously pushing it back a day. This is going to sound dumb or ignorant,,,but why can’t you hand her the letter? Does she not believe in mental health or something along the lines of that?


Please tell me that’s not the plural form of- oh nO. why couldn’t they have just done passerbys? Even passerbies?

On another note, nibling is a gender neutral term for niece/nephew.

@Pickles group

You know what else is uncomfy? Your pfp, Pickles

I can't remember what I named him, but I think it might be Jeff. Please be nice, he has feelings and the plague

Deleted user

dude I fucking kid you not, I made your contact picture that

@Pickles group

Please tell me that’s not the plural form of- oh nO. why couldn’t they have just done passerbys? Even passerbies?

On another note, nibling is a gender neutral term for niece/nephew.

That's so cute-

@Pickles group

dude I fucking kid you not, I made your contact picture that

I need one for you, and I'm gonna make Mir's her lingerie worm if I ever remember

Deleted user

I can offer you some cursed pictures of me if you desire