forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Good luck with your audition!! I'm going out for As You Like It in July, idk who I'm auditioning for though. Hoping for Jaques, but I'll probably get Adam. Rosalind would be amazing, of course, but there's next to no way I'm getting the lead.

!!! I'm doing As You Like It right now!!!

Deleted user

These are my “I’m Selling Myself Out Please Make Me DM” Articles. Please critique them or find stupid things.

  1. In your opinion, what does the role of Drum Major entail?

The role of Drum Major consists of everything a passionate band kid would have, just one level higher. A Drum Major should be intense and dead-set on their purpose to better the band in every way they can, and to help every individual feel as if they are giving something to the band by being there. A Drum Major should be supportive of their section leaders, their co-Drum Major, and the fellow band members who are taking just as much time out of their schedule to support the band. Not only should a Drum Major be trustworthy and responsible, but they should also be considerate and ready to help with any sensitive situations and topics with other members of the band in order to make everyone feel as if they belong. This position means that the Drum Major is prepared to go past expectation and furthermore, to hold themselves to a higher standard than what they would someone else. Like any good musician in the music program, they should always be searching for some way to improve, whether it be with conducting, marching, or learning new pieces on their own to conduct.

  1. What makes you the best candidate?

What makes me the best candidate for Drum Major is that I match the expectation of a good, strong Drum Major. I will do anything and everything in my power to support the band, using everything I know (and more) about music and marching. I am responsible in times of panic or disarray, able to stay calm in situations of high stress. I am easy to communicate with on a personal and technical level while also being trustworthy and responsible with sensitive topics that I may face in my leadership position. My ardency for music is the highest point of my candidacy, for I have put so much into learning my instrument and loving what I do on the field, I simply want to take it one step further for helping the band. I’m always searching for ways to better myself as a musician, conductor, and as a person. I strive for things that can make me grow and stand out as a person within the band, while still improving the band— no matter how minuscule


Realization of the day:
Mari and Rin are my chinchildren
Rin is technically Mari’s child
Mari is actually my only chinchild
I am a grandma

Deleted user

It's time for another mental breakdownnnnnnnnnnnnn

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

if we’re looking for more awful ones we can always google bible fanfiction
i haven’t seen any before but i’ve heard there are some pretty cursed results

oh no

I'll do you one better: veggietales fanfic

Bob and Larry are the most cursed ship and I doubt you can convince me otherwise.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


I don’t mean to be that guy

but fucking auditioning for DM is super fun

I love conducting, my BD is super helpful and giving me tips on how to sight read a score she gave to audition with

And most importantly

I get to sell myself as a good drum major

I think the most stressful part is the video audition where I have to record myself, but that’s it.

You go, Emi.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Good luck with your audition!! I'm going out for As You Like It in July, idk who I'm auditioning for though. Hoping for Jaques, but I'll probably get Adam. Rosalind would be amazing, of course, but there's next to no way I'm getting the lead.

My xgf was Audrey. And everyone on set called her scene The Slut Scene.
(Good luck w Cats.)

Deleted user

do y'all remember Operate Now because it just dug itself out of my memory and now I'm gonna play it

@Pickles group

if we’re looking for more awful ones we can always google bible fanfiction
i haven’t seen any before but i’ve heard there are some pretty cursed results

oh no

I'll do you one better: veggietales fanfic

Bob and Larry are the most cursed ship and I doubt you can convince me otherwise.

Please see: Trump x Biden
Bob and Larry are hella tame compared to some of the things out there

@Moxie group

Happy vent:
All the leaders from my youth group just came and surprised me at my house with a little graduation. They had a mini gf cake and a little diploma and a really sweet book with memories of me. And there was a bunch of them and they had a popper and they took a bunch of pictures and it was just really nice and sweet in a time where things are crazy and my graduation doesn’t seem that important right now. And it just made it seem important and it made me really happy


aaaand welp, there go my happy good vibes
knew it wouldn’t last long…
if you’ll excuse me i’m gonna go throw up all my organs and bury myself alive, see you in hell

i hate humanity…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Happy vent:
All the leaders from my youth group just came and surprised me at my house with a little graduation. They had a mini gf cake and a little diploma and a really sweet book with memories of me. And there was a bunch of them and they had a popper and they took a bunch of pictures and it was just really nice and sweet in a time where things are crazy and my graduation doesn’t seem that important right now. And it just made it seem important and it made me really happy

Oh my goodness I'm so happy you are happy!


not really but i’m better
i forced myself to cry a bit, which helped slightly
what i really need is to get some sleep though

i would talk about what happened but there’s no possible way to say “i wished death upon someone all because of my own delusional worldview and i’m only now starting to feel bad” without sounding like the world’s biggest shit sandwich and as much as i desperately crave negative attention right about now i still want to be able to pretend that i’m an ok person who deserves to stay alive. does that sound dramatic? that sounds super dramatic. eh whatever i’ll regret it in the morning

…and also cause this topic sometimes sparks debates but i couldn’t care less about that, this is barely a venting space anymore why would it matter

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

not really but i’m better
i forced myself to cry a bit, which helped slightly
what i really need is to get some sleep though

i would talk about what happened but there’s no possible way to say “i wished death upon someone all because of my own delusional worldview and i’m only now starting to feel bad” without sounding like the world’s biggest shit sandwich and as much as i desperately crave negative attention right about now i still want to be able to pretend that i’m an ok person who deserves to stay alive. does that sound dramatic? that sounds super dramatic. eh whatever i’ll regret it in the morning

…and also cause this topic sometimes sparks debates but i couldn’t care less about that, this is barely a venting space anymore why would it matter

I am familiar with delusion worldview. I wish you clearer sight in the morning.

Hmm. Debate is always fun.


posted these in the discord already but to help clear the unhappy vibes i am here to bless your eyeballs with chinchilla snoot

here be Mari

i just love how her fur makes the illusion of gigantic anime lashes, it’s so cute

and typical Rin <3


Why did my mind immediately jump to:
Snoot, Mari, and Rin
The Chinnychin Chillas

@HighPockets group

Good luck with your audition!! I'm going out for As You Like It in July, idk who I'm auditioning for though. Hoping for Jaques, but I'll probably get Adam. Rosalind would be amazing, of course, but there's next to no way I'm getting the lead.

!!! I'm doing As You Like It right now!!!

D: really! Who're you playing?

@HighPockets group

Realization of the day:
Mari and Rin are my chinchildren
Rin is technically Mari’s child
Mari is actually my only chinchild
I am a grandma

That makes you a boomer-

Deleted user

According to our age system in Rudeness a while back, I am a Boomer
