forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I feel like shit for coming back on here and pushing my problems onto you guys, but also I feel like shit in general. Feel free to ignore this.

So, I'm in Void Mode, essentially my mind goes numb and tired and my emotions and brain are so deep into this void of nothingness that I can't feel anything other than numb sadness.
So, I'm really quiet in void mode, which means I hear everything so much better and that is so much worse. I'm trying to work on this math program and I don't understand any of it, i've been working for an hour and I have a zero.I'm trying to focus and the wall between my desk and the outside is super thin, it's literally a window and a door with a dog door in it.
My mom goes and takes my music player, literally the one I use, the one I have asked her not to use. But she takes it becuase she wants to hear a new album that she can't get on her music player. I tell her how she can acsess the music and she ignores me.
She plays the music and turns it up, I'm trying to focus.
I go and ask her to please turn it down a little bit and she goes "are you seroius?! the one thing I want to do!!"
I'm just… so tired…


@PoliteAnarchist-HeadOfEPS, let's work this out one issue at a time alright, first, is there anything else you can listen to music on. What are you using to get onto notebook, you can probably get music on there. Two is there somewhere you can go where you can't here your mother's music. Just like your blocking out all other emotions right now just focus on blocking out that noise. have you done that? alright, next, what kind of math is it, I can try to help you with it.

@Moxie group

Also this is the venting chat. Don't feel like shit for venting here. This is the literal entire purpose of the chat

Deleted user

I'm not allowed to listen to music on my laptop since it's for school my mother won't let me. Honestly, she'd kill me if she found out I was on notebook. I'm not allowed to go anywhere but my desk with my laptop. I can't block out noise, I'm really sensitive to sounds which sucks ass.
the math is something I can figure out, eventually.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

😭 That's always hard…. Shame on her; she's loosing a great friend…. Good for you to say that you'll always be there for her!

Deleted user

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

😭 That's always hard…. Shame on her; she's loosing a great friend…. Good for you to say that you'll always be there for her!

Knowing her, she'll get her heart broken, as always… But im not hoping on that. I just want happiness for Her. I really love her.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Reed…. Your mom sounds like she's petty af…. She, as your mother, should put your wellbeing and education above all else; she can listen to her music some other time when you're not trying to do your homework!

@Kie group

When you're pretending you know how to sing by using the song Waving Through a Window and your sister just asks if you rewatched Dear Evan Hansen rather than telling you to shut up cause you're loud. Also I don't think it's because I'm absolutely terrible. Once had an amazing choir friend tell me I should've joined rather than screwing off and doing whatever I want lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

okay okay okay hii im late but
i was literally talking abiut names and studd with my friend kike yesterday lol
also miriam miri mir okat so in my culture is supposed to be a variation of Mary and it's pronounced ma-ree-yum whichh is prettycool

Hey that's my little sis's name.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

As for me, I don't want negative attention from others (mainly bc I'm hella insecure and have a primal need to be liked and I can't cope with that being proven wrong, yay mental illness!)

Eyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Wonders if I have Rejection Sensitivity

@Pickles group

As for me, I don't want negative attention from others (mainly bc I'm hella insecure and have a primal need to be liked and I can't cope with that being proven wrong, yay mental illness!)

Eyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Wonders if I have Rejection Sensitivity

^^^^^^ is pretty sure

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

I mean, did you know she was straight? Because if a dude who knew I was straight talked about wanting to be with me that would be very disrespectful.

@Pickles group

:)))) I love people telling me my interests are a phase and because of it I think I'm edgy but I'm just creepy :)))))))))

@HighPockets group

:)))) I love people telling me my interests are a phase and because of it I think I'm edgy but I'm just creepy :)))))))))

Dude I pulled out Lavenza to show my therapist this morning and was like "look! I forgot I had this but I found it yesterday!" and I could almost feel her disappointment lmao
She's cool though, we stan

Deleted user

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

I mean, did you know she was straight? Because if a dude who knew I was straight talked about wanting to be with me that would be very disrespectful.

She's not straight, she's dating a girl. Which is why it confused me a little, but im not giving up on her. because i will always have her back.

@Kie group

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

I mean, did you know she was straight? Because if a dude who knew I was straight talked about wanting to be with me that would be very disrespectful.

She's not straight, she's dating a girl. Which is why it confused me a little, but im not giving up on her. because i will always have her back.

If your best friend is calling you a creepy f*g when she's dating a girl, you need to leave her. She had no reason to insult you like that when all you did was confess to her. She could have simply said, "I don't feel that way about you." but instead she took the most shitty route possible.

Deleted user

So, My so called bestfriend, Whom i've known for 5 years now, Told me to leave her alone and that i was a creepy fag, so i responded very calmly and told her, alright i'll leave you alone. but just know. im still here for you no matter what. and left her.
who knew telling someone you like them would get you out of a friendship.

I mean, did you know she was straight? Because if a dude who knew I was straight talked about wanting to be with me that would be very disrespectful.

She's not straight, she's dating a girl. Which is why it confused me a little, but im not giving up on her. because i will always have her back.

If your best friend is calling you a creepy f*g when she's dating a girl, you need to leave her. She had no reason to insult you like that when all you did was confess to her. She could have simply said, "I don't feel that way about you." but instead she took the most shitty route possible.

Yeah, Hopefully she see's her faults and see's how much i care for her, whether i am in love or not. But i agree as well, which is why im not responding to any texts from her, i read them then leave.


how is it that just the day after i do all the urban dictionary name searching i immediately get recommended a video of a punch of humans reacting to urban dictionary definitions