forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

i have a vent
which was written over the span of the last two hours, on and off
im only willing to share this with a couple people on here
ella, mir, emi (idk if she's on this chat but oh well), angel (she's def not on this chat, im pretty sure), and wolfy
i am here asking permission to pm all of you guys all at once
just in case one of you doesn't like pms out of nowhere

@saor_illust school

that's the fastest answer ive ever had for that question in my entire life
i'm very not okay
i know that so well
but i will share this
over the last two hours, ive considered suicide and self-harm
and ive cried a whole heck ton
then went numb
then went back to feeling like a useless piece of shit

@Kie group

I'm sorry. I really wish I could help you but I'm not doing too great myself. I understand that feeling of uselessness.

Deleted user

hey izzy, i know you didn't ask for me, but if you want to talk about it i'm always available
i may not be the best but i can still listen if you want

@Kie group

I hope you're able to talk to the people you need to soon, and in the meantime, you should maybe get some rest or try to do something you enjoy.

@saor_illust school

im so sorry
i forgot about you
i swear i have the worst memory
im sorry atlas
but yes
im now asking you too

and thanks kie


i don’t know if i’ll be able to respond since it’s past midnight here and i could fall asleep at any moment, but i care and you can definitely vent to me if you need-

Deleted user

im so sorry
i forgot about you
i swear i have the worst memory
im sorry atlas
but yes
im now asking you too

and thanks kie

nono it's okay, i get it ! i have a shitty memory too, it's not your fault


one of those songs is "Eight" By Sleeping At Last

I’m sorry I know you’re talking about something serious but I just had to say I am obsessed with that album

I haven't listened to all of them yet, just 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8, but the ones I have listened to I love, though One and Eight are my favorites.


gasp Guy's I'm actually kinda sleepy right now. Normally I have really bad insomnia and I'll be super tired but never sleepy. My brain actually want's to shut down. Now this is good because sleep, but bad because I usually dream more when this happens and 89% of my dreams are not nice ones. The 12% that are nice are really nice though and I could use a good dream right now.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

gasp Guy's I'm actually kinda sleepy right now. Normally I have really bad insomnia and I'll be super tired but never sleepy. My brain actually want's to shut down. Now this is good because sleep, but bad because I usually dream more when this happens and 89% of my dreams are not nice ones. The 12% that are nice are really nice though and I could use a good dream right now.

Here's hoping that you have a good dream for once!

@The-Magician group

And here’s me..
yesterday I went to sleep at 2pm, woke up at 8pm, and I’ve been awake since
I’ve only just noticed how cold it is


okay okay okay hii im late but
i was literally talking abiut names and studd with my friend kike yesterday lol
also miriam miri mir okat so in my culture is supposed to be a variation of Mary and it's pronounced ma-ree-yum whichh is prettycool
also in my culture our names are supposed to be the same as our fathers name? and I spent a long time thinking that was a universal thing which it very much isn't lol
also also i really loke nature names or space names but i'd very muhc be the person to name my children after fictionla characters

@Kie group

My dog is a SNITCH he woke my mom up by coming out of my parents' room and making a lot of noise just to come sit by me then leave the minute my mom came out of her room >:(

@Kie group

My dog is a SNITCH he woke my mom up by coming out of my parents' room and making a lot of noise just to come sit by me then leave the minute my mom came out of her room >:(


Ah, I probably should mention it is 1:30 AM for me and I should be sleeping.


gasp Guy's I'm actually kinda sleepy right now. Normally I have really bad insomnia and I'll be super tired but never sleepy. My brain actually want's to shut down. Now this is good because sleep, but bad because I usually dream more when this happens and 89% of my dreams are not nice ones. The 12% that are nice are really nice though and I could use a good dream right now.

Not to be that person but that's 101%

@saor_illust school

Okay, random question:
Does it annoy anybody else when somebody says 'he or she' when they could just say 'they'?
Because it's getting on my nerves a little bit

sometimes, yes

@HighPockets group

All I can think is "you gotta be sincere" from Bye Bye Birdie lol

tfw you had a crush on the Conrad Birdie at the time and so you get war flash backs when you hear that song


Deleted user

Okay, random question:
Does it annoy anybody else when somebody says 'he or she' when they could just say 'they'?
Because it's getting on my nerves a little bit

Yes. But I usually say "They".