forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Yall… oh I wish I could link it, but this is heavily reminding me of a Lewis Black show where he's talking about weird names. Specifically the names "Shithead" (pronounced shih-thea-dh) and "Asshole" (pronounced ash-holl-lay).

@Pickles group

• Harvest "You know what people will Harvest from your daughter? Her V-card."

I screamed but I'd like to offer
"You know what people will Harvest from your daughter? With that name, not her V-card."

I'm sorry but all I can think of is "You're kissing that girl's virginity goodbye, Antony"
Yes I'm obsessed with that movie, yes it's a problem

@HighPockets group

Well I was thinking kidneys but nooo you dirty minded hecks have to ruin everything

But wb her liver?

I'm gonna harvest Harvest's kneecaps.

@HighPockets group

Yall… oh I wish I could link it, but this is heavily reminding me of a Lewis Black show where he's talking about weird names. Specifically the names "Shithead" (pronounced shih-thea-dh) and "Asshole" (pronounced ash-holl-lay).



Yall… oh I wish I could link it, but this is heavily reminding me of a Lewis Black show where he's talking about weird names. Specifically the names "Shithead" (pronounced shih-thea-dh) and "Asshole" (pronounced ash-holl-lay).


Yup, but way before Vine was a thing.

@Kie group

Okay so nobody beat me but if I were unfortunate enough to have a child I'd name it one of these three if it were a girl

  • Callista
  • Ophira
  • Kristianne

@HighPockets group

• Copelia

• Fallyn

• Luxx

• Midnight

• Tayzia

• Xylethia

These are the only ones I can somewhat agree with

Copelia is like the bastard of Cordelia and Ophelia
Fallyn is sort of cute
Luxx would be better with one x
I'm just not a fan of word names for kids
Tayzia just feels like too much, Tayia or Tayza are cute though
Xylethia would be better as Xylenthia

@HighPockets group

My first child's name will be Mayonnaise.

Yessss Mayonnaise!!!
I want to get a doggo and name it Clerval

@HighPockets group

I'm sorry but all I can think of is "You're kissing that girl's virginity goodbye, Marc Antony"


From William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra-

@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

@Kie group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.


I don’t know what I’ll name my children
I already have Rin, Mari, and Ms Gibbwit Da Nibwit The Ultimately Superior Angel Baby Cupcake Sprinkles McDummy, but what will I call my yorkies???

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just remembered that time I was going into a competition and this guy told me 'good skill' instead of 'good luck' and that just hits different when you're in the mindset of a shonen protagonist

@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.

I don't have either, but when I move out I'll probably get an insta just to talk to friends

@Kie group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.

I don't have either, but when I move out I'll probably get an insta just to talk to friends

I prefer Discord but have fun with Insta lol

@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.

I don't have either, but when I move out I'll probably get an insta just to talk to friends

I prefer Discord but have fun with Insta lol

I just don't want to deal with Discord

@Kie group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.

I don't have either, but when I move out I'll probably get an insta just to talk to friends

I prefer Discord but have fun with Insta lol

I just don't want to deal with Discord

Why not? :o

@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

I felt that. I just try and get people's Discord or Insta users cause those are more permanent if you ask me.

I don't have either, but when I move out I'll probably get an insta just to talk to friends

I prefer Discord but have fun with Insta lol

I just don't want to deal with Discord

Why not? :o

It sounds very annoying and rather drama filled