forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

Okay but what are we supposed to do when we don't have time to be on notebook all the time


@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

Okay but what are we supposed to do when we don't have time to be on notebook all the time


I do that anyway

@HighPockets group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

Okay but what are we supposed to do when we don't have time to be on notebook all the time


I do that anyway

Uhhhh idk then

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Do you ever word something poorly but you don't know how else to phrase it and you end up hating yourself because it's exactly the thing you see someone else say and groan because it sounds disgusting

Yes, I do. I do that a lot. my friend.

But make sure the definitions actually match/are close to the same meaning.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My first name: I'd say it's rare. I've never met anyone else who has it. Gets pronounced "Mare-ee-um" all the time, which I hate (it's actually 'Mee-Ree-um.')

My little sis has the opposite thing happen.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Josie-phyne or Josie-fine is the most common way people manage to butcher my name.

I have the German version of your name.


Mmhmm. Pronounced Yo-seh-fee-neh.

That is a cool name.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Honestly, I felt really bad for this one girl I knew. Her name was a really weird spelling of 'Alexandria'. Her mom just really wanted something original.


Nope. Alesseandriyah. It doesn't even look like there should be an 'x' sounds, yet there is.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ok, well The ruined avocado's was more like a catalyst in this situation (Look I do know something about chemistry) AP Chem test is coming up and that's stressing me out, I have two assignment's for my Art class due on Friday. In other words the Stress is settling in. Also my sister who ruined said Avocado's is having a rough time right now. I'm fine with my mother recognizing this, I'm not fine with her reaction to me crying over something so stupid. "Relsey you need to be nice to your sister because she's having a hard time because of X,Y, and Z." Like oh yes mother I just love that your automatic thought is," I must make sure she doesn't make her sister more upset.", Not, "It's weird that Relsey would start crying over this, is she ok?" So the message I;m getting here is because Sister is an adult if she acts weird she's having a hard time, when I'm upset I'm just overreacting… Gee Thanks mom. Also my bestest Friend in the whole wide world has apparently dropped off of the face of the world because they haven't talked to me for a week now and we usually message back and forth every day so, that's great. I'm naturally doing that stupid thing where I listen to song's that remind me of said individual (He and I traded songs last year or so, He gave me a list of songs to listen to and I've been listening to them) one of those songs is "Eight" By Sleeping At Last, and it get's me every time and I just listened to it and It feels like I want to shove it in his face and say "This, this is what I'm feeling right now." But I can't do that also he hasn't talked to me for like a week so it's fine. See that makes me worry because knowing this individual he get's very quiet and distant when something is going on. I don't know what to think because on the one hand he's just terrible at talking and maintaining contact, he just forget's to respond a lot, on the other hand, he goes quote when somethings up. So now I'm worrying about that and AP tests and My art class.

Bruh that's rough. I'm sorry.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

Okay but what are we supposed to do when we don't have time to be on notebook all the time

We'll be on the Facebook equivalent of the days.

@Kie group

I have had 4 Capri Suns and 2 energy drinks in the past 12 hours. I will most likely be fighting whatever higher power(s) there may be rather than sleeping tonight.

Deleted user

what a mood dude
what kind of energy drinks did you have?
i happen to be a fan of them

@Kie group

I honestly don't remember the brand and am not going to bother to look. I just saw energy and instantly said >.> YuMMy

@Moxie group

All I can think is "you gotta be sincere" from Bye Bye Birdie lol

tfw you had a crush on the Conrad Birdie at the time and so you get war flash backs when you hear that song

@Moxie group

one of those songs is "Eight" By Sleeping At Last

I’m sorry I know you’re talking about something serious but I just had to say I am obsessed with that album