forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Kie group

It sounds very annoying and rather drama filled

I beg to disagree. I think that depends on how many and what servers you're in. I tend to hang around friends which is how I avoid most of that. I also prefer Discord's set-up to that of Instagram. I feel as though VC is a lot less laggy because unlike Insta, that's more so what Discord was made for.

Deleted user

I'm not opposed to having children with my future wife.
I want a daughter for sure, hopefully named Lenore (yes, like from The Raven.)
A son would be cool. But I'm hella picky about boys names.

@Kie group

In the end it's all personal preference, though. Discord is just optimal for me because I don't share many photos :P

@Pickles group

also the whole idea of voice chatting makes my skin crawl. But it's not exactly your decision what accounts I have so I don't see why it matters

@Kie group

Do you ever cry over ruined Avacado's? Because I do.

I don't eat avocado so I don't feel your pain.

@Kie group

Do you ever cry over ruined Avacado's? Because I do.

It’s an avocado

fr e sh a voca do


Do you ever cry over ruined Avacado's? Because I do.

It’s an avocado

It would be more funny if I hadn't spent the past hour crying over ruined avocado's

Deleted user

acknowledge my unborn daughter's beautiful name, peasants

@Kie group

Do you ever cry over ruined Avacado's? Because I do.

It’s an avocado

It would be more funny if I hadn't spent the past hour crying over ruined avocado's

Better that than crying because you don't want to make yourself food.

@Kie group

acknowledge my unborn daughter's beautiful name, peasants

Lenore sounds beautiful. I wish you luck in finding a wife and maybe a name for a potential son.


Ok, well The ruined avocado's was more like a catalyst in this situation (Look I do know something about chemistry)
AP Chem test is coming up and that's stressing me out, I have two assignment's for my Art class due on Friday. In other words the Stress is settling in.
Also my sister who ruined said Avocado's is having a rough time right now. I'm fine with my mother recognizing this, I'm not fine with her reaction to me crying over something so stupid. "Relsey you need to be nice to your sister because she's having a hard time because of X,Y, and Z." Like oh yes mother I just love that your automatic thought is," I must make sure she doesn't make her sister more upset.", Not, "It's weird that Relsey would start crying over this, is she ok?" So the message I;m getting here is because Sister is an adult if she acts weird she's having a hard time, when I'm upset I'm just overreacting… Gee Thanks mom.
Also my bestest Friend in the whole wide world has apparently dropped off of the face of the world because they haven't talked to me for a week now and we usually message back and forth every day so, that's great. I'm naturally doing that stupid thing where I listen to song's that remind me of said individual (He and I traded songs last year or so, He gave me a list of songs to listen to and I've been listening to them) one of those songs is "Eight" By Sleeping At Last, and it get's me every time and I just listened to it and It feels like I want to shove it in his face and say "This, this is what I'm feeling right now." But I can't do that also he hasn't talked to me for like a week so it's fine. See that makes me worry because knowing this individual he get's very quiet and distant when something is going on. I don't know what to think because on the one hand he's just terrible at talking and maintaining contact, he just forget's to respond a lot, on the other hand, he goes quote when somethings up. So now I'm worrying about that and AP tests and My art class.

Deleted user

I sincerely apologize for being an annoying person


I sincerely apologize for being an annoying person

You're not annoying someone if they refuse to be annoyed.

@Pickles group

I sincerely apologize for being an annoying person

Insert visible confusion thingy
?? Did I miss something? Because you aren't annoying

@Kie group

I want to sleep. I want to sleep so bad but it's only 9:19 PM and my parents won't let me even if I beg to go to bed early because I have about 20 missing assignments which I just can't bring myself to get done and I just feel like crying all the time. I'm so close to just collapsing into a couch and crying, then if I don't feel like crying I just feel empty. I just don't want to do this anymore. I want to feel happy for once. I want home to feel like home. I want to feel loved for once instead of beaten down. I want to talk to my friends and hear their voices and see their faces. I want to be able to live without it feeling like a chore.

Sometimes I think "Hey, maybe it'd be different if I just told someone how I feel," but it just doesn't change no matter what I do and I'm sick of it. I feel so fucking lost all the time nowadays and I just don't know if it's the real world hitting me or what..

Deleted user

I sincerely apologize for being an annoying person

Insert visible confusion thingy
?? Did I miss something? Because you aren't annoying

Yes I fucking am.


Absolutely no one at all:
That one unpleasant corner of my brain: Heyyy I know we haven’t spoken to you in a while but I’ve just decided within the past 8 months that we have absolutely no other option but to self-destruct right now in order to avoid the excessively dark horrific future that will undoubtedly come to us based on nothing but one this delusion that someone’s out to get you disguised as a close friend and of course two the choices you haven’t made yet in extremely specific situations that I cannot prove you’ll even end up in and even if you do your future self will probably be perfectly happy with all because it’s not that bad I just think absolutely everything that isn’t permanently burying yourself in a ditch with nothing but your voices is equivalent in horror to being violently murdered, so now I’m going to cause you insane amounts of stress, fear, and anxiety, completely isolate you from everything you know and love, and never leave you alone until you fucking stab yourself and slowly painfully die of the infection

@Pickles group

I sincerely apologize for being an annoying person

Insert visible confusion thingy
?? Did I miss something? Because you aren't annoying

Yes I fucking am.

You don't get to decide whether other people think you're annoying

@Pickles group

Absolutely no one at all:
That one unpleasant corner of my brain: Heyyy I know we haven’t spoken to you in a while but I’ve just decided within the past 8 months that we have absolutely no other option but to self-destruct right now in order to avoid the excessively dark horrific future that will undoubtedly come to us based on choices you haven’t made yet in extremely specific situations that I cannot prove you’ll even end up in and even if you do your future self will probably be perfectly happy with all because it’s not that bad I just think absolutely everything that isn’t permanently burying yourself in a ditch with nothing but your voices is equivalent in horror to being violently murdered, so now I’m going to cause you insane amounts of stress, fear, and anxiety, completely isolate you from everything you know and love, and never leave you alone until you fucking stab yourself and slowly painfully die of the infection

Not to be that person but you'd more likely die of blood loss than infection


well yeah sure but at the same time obviously I’m always being watched so I’ll likely be taken to the hospital before then and the stupid doctors don’t understand, they likely won’t remove multiple technically-not-vital organs all because some 14-year-old with questionable sanity claims her life depends on it, and if they don’t remove them then I’m clearly doomed to live a painful life of sadness and pain and can only escape if I tear apart my stitches cry alone in the back forest and wait for death to take me

okay wow this was actually an oddly effective way of venting all the bizarre irrational thoughts taking up space, I feel quite a bit better now-

@HighPockets group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

@Pickles group

I just realized I have no idea what I'm gonna do in a few years when all of us have deleted our accounts or stop being active. How am I supposed to talk to my friends??

Bold of you to assume I'm ever leaving you

Okay but what are we supposed to do when we don't have time to be on notebook all the time

@HighPockets group

acknowledge my unborn daughter's beautiful name, peasants

I gave Lenore as a last name to a character who's privated since it's for my pipe dream of eventually writing a Star Wars book