forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Eva loves my last name but I'm 90% she doesn't pronounce it right because nobody does

Deleted user

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

Deleted user

Eva loves my last name but I'm 90% she doesn't pronounce it right because nobody does

I'm guessing it's treh-leh-vehn, right?


Deleted user

And my first last name starts with two vowels in a row
gErMaN tHiNgS

@HighPockets group

Eva loves my last name but I'm 90% she doesn't pronounce it right because nobody does

I'm guessing it's treh-leh-vehn, right?


Oh, so pretty close to how I say it in my head.

@The-Magician group

Eva loves my last name but I'm 90% she doesn't pronounce it right because nobody does

I'm guessing it's treh-leh-vehn, right?


That’s how I’ve been pronouncing it

Deleted user

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

It's Zachariya.

becomes straighter

@Kie group

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

It's Zachariya.

This is kinda mean but I feel like I need to apologize to you for something that was not my fault.

@Anemone eco

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

It's Zachariya.

This is kinda mean but I feel like I need to apologize to you for something that was not my fault.


@HighPockets group

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

It's Zachariya.

…..fuck 😳

My thoughts exactly. Major F, my dude.

@Kie group

Are you guys done trying to guess my full middle name?

I just want you to tell meee

It's Zachariya.

This is kinda mean but I feel like I need to apologize to you for something that was not my fault.


The spelling of your middle name. JZSdkxfhgcvb cuss me out all you want, I'll take it like a champ because I probably deserve it

@The-Magician group

No I’m saying “fuck” for a completely different reason. Please excuse me for a moment while I try to get my head out of the gutter.

Deleted user

My first name: I'd say it's rare. I've never met anyone else who has it. Gets pronounced "Mare-ee-um" all the time, which I hate (it's actually 'Mee-Ree-um.')
My middle name: Spelt like a somewhat common American middle name and pronounced completely differently. It's my German grandmother's name. I used to mispell it when I was younger.
Last name #1: Literally starts with 'Mr' because it's German and vowels can be next to each other without it being wrong. Never pronounced right.
Last name #2: Usually also pronounced wrong because 'Tre' is pronounced 'Tree,' which is kinda dumb since there's no second e.