forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

Me when people are like "there's only been X deaths!" in regards to things like the COVID. Like, people are dying. People are dead because of this.


It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

@HighPockets group

It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

Unrelated but my friend sent me a video that's of Toad from Mario singing the Soviet national anthem.


It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

Unrelated but my friend sent me a video that's of Toad from Mario singing the Soviet national anthem.


@HighPockets group

It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

Unrelated but my friend sent me a video that's of Toad from Mario singing the Soviet national anthem.


I sent him one of Waluigi singing One Day More as punishment.


It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

My Sophomore History teacher brought up that quote and talked about how we and individuals can't really fathom just how tragic it is. It's kinda like how we can't fathom just how huge the universe is. we don't have anything to compare it to so we don't really get it usually. Not only that but the kids sitting in classes haven't experienced a whole lot of death in their lives.


”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

It's true though.

@HighPockets group

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

@Pickles group

Like, to a certain extent yeah you maybe shouldn't contemplate it in the middle of class but come on, at least look a little bit like you're having a crisis because I feel lonely in this

@Pickles group

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

@HighPockets group

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

I love you.

@Pickles group

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

I love you.

Thank you


”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

I love you.

What if we just became Devils?~


It's fascinating how some people can sit there in class, talking about war and death, and not fully get that deaths mean people died

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." ~ Joseph Stalin

My Sophomore History teacher brought up that quote and talked about how we and individuals can't really fathom just how tragic it is. It's kinda like how we can't fathom just how huge the universe is. we don't have anything to compare it to so we don't really get it usually. Not only that but the kids sitting in classes haven't experienced a whole lot of death in their lives.

Yeah. My history teacher said "now the area we live has X amount of people in it. Imagine leaving your house and everyone in X amount of miles is dead, and their bodies aren't buried. That's how many people were killed on this battle. That's how many bodies there were"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

I love you.


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Okay, now that my erratic heart has calmed down, I'm gonna address what's been said….

I know that war is not, by any means, a subject that should be taken lightly; it is an extremely sensitive topic that has to be respected and understood. I fully and truly respect the men and women who have served. I am aware of PTSD, certain conditions that soldiers faced, and the psychological/emotional/physical damage that was wrought upon everyone…. Now, as I have already told @Relsey and @Icefire_has_no_motivation, it has been well over a decade since I last studied the aforementioned wars, and I absolutely just needed a reminder on the things that I know that I know. (I'm 25 going on 26 in August…. Cut me some slack.)

EDIT/ADDENDUM: Thank you to y'all who were wanting to help!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

”Oh, so if one grandma falls in a woodchipper it’s a “tragic accident” but if I throw a million grandmas in one it’s a statistic?”

"Let me just play Devil's Advocate for a moment…"

"What if instead we just sold our souls to the devil?"

I love you.

What if we just became Devils?~

What if I had a daemonic character that would be ecstatic to buy your souls?

@saor_illust school

i wanted to reread ATC again

problem is
it's too fresh in my mind
'n i want to erase the last memory i have of rereading atc from start to finish
so i can read it for the first time again
there are no words to explain how blown away i was by the story when i started

Deleted user

I wish I knew what I actually wanted to do with my life.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i wanted to reread ATC again

problem is
it's too fresh in my mind
'n i want to erase the last memory i have of rereading atc from start to finish
so i can read it for the first time again
there are no words to explain how blown away i was by the story when i started
