forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Do you just ever wanna run away and start a new life
That’s me
Welcome to today

literally same.

Ok I’ll get my blanket on a stick prepared

mine's already prepared.

So where do you think we should head first.

mmmmm Indiana bc its like right next to me and I have a friend there.

Ok see you in 4-5 business days

@Kie group

It's been so long since I've last been online so it sucks that the first post I'm going to be able to make will be on a venting page.

So basically in the time I was gone I: Made an online friend, developed crush on said online friend, ignored all red flags from online friend, finally picked up on the red flags but had misplaced anger towards their friend, broke off online friendship… and now I keep thinking about them. Woo.

I feel so stupid because they literally didn't even pretend to have a single care about me the night we decided to stop talking yet I still keep hoping they'll come back. :')

@saor_illust school

not stupid of you, i've been there before
you got attached to them
wanted them to care about you too, maybe even believed that they did until the night you broke off the friendship
and maybe they pretended they cared
who wouldn't feel the same way?

… i mean, i can think of a few select friends who wouldn't, but that's just, their style. they try not to keep missing people they know won't come back. i, i can't help it. i will desperately miss them and hope that one day i'll wake up and there'll be a dm waiting for me from them for all eternity.

so i'm with you there.
even with the ones i know will never come back.


Sooooo anyone else do that fun little thing where they no longer have the desire or the emotional capacity to talk to your friends? I’ve been doing that with my best friend and my partner since winter break and I feel bad but also I feel like I can’t control it???
And with my best friend, they didn’t really start talking with me a lot again until after they broke up with their boyfriend. They also started up an old rp of ours again, and from the beginning I said my responses would be slow because I have low motivation for the rp. So every time they talk to me it’s either to vent about their break up or ask to rp. And I get that they need that emotional support but it also really sucks because it seems like they never actually want to talk to me, just vent or rp.
And now my partner’s feeling neglected because I haven’t been dming them either. Which is something I want to fix so does anyone have any tips for how to get better at responding to people consistently? Even though I have hobbies and things that I’m working rn, I still need to talk to them and I’m just not motivated to talk to anyone at all.


that's a mood
my best advice is to honestly just,,, force yourself to send them a message every day, or even just every other day. it doesn't need to be much. just like. "thinking of you" or "how was your day" and whatever, just to show them "hey, i haven't forgotten you". and maybe also try explaining how you're feeling? just tell them "hey, i just want you to know that i've been feeling really down and unmotivated to talk, but i still care about you a lot and I'm very sorry I've dropped communication" or something along those lines


Welp…now my partner wants to have a talk about our relationship and how I’m feeling about it
So yeah that’s great….I wanna cry
We love maybe getting broken up with two weeks before Valentine’s Day.
And they told me that they wanted to talk at the start of our closing night of our musical. So now I don’t even get to enjoy that and it sucks.
We’ve literally never needed to have a whole official talk before…

@Becfromthedead group

Fellas, remind me to never, ever, ever get involved in a poly relationship again </3
They don't work for me and my fiance at all, and we're 2 for 2 on them being a disaster, my fiance getting heartbroken, and me feeling left out because I don't think the other partner liked me very much :')


Fellas, remind me to never, ever, ever get involved in a poly relationship again </3
They don't work for me and my fiance at all, and we're 2 for 2 on them being a disaster, my fiance getting heartbroken, and me feeling left out because I don't think the other partner liked me very much :')

awwwww im sorry your relationship ended up making both you and your partner feel like that.
I remember in my last poly relationship I also felt left out because my girlfriends were dating long before I joined the relationship and both knew each other irl too (it was long distance)


Fellas, remind me to never, ever, ever get involved in a poly relationship again </3
They don't work for me and my fiance at all, and we're 2 for 2 on them being a disaster, my fiance getting heartbroken, and me feeling left out because I don't think the other partner liked me very much :')

awwwww im sorry your relationship ended up making both you and your partner feel like that.
I remember in my last poly relationship I also felt left out because my girlfriends were dating long before I joined the relationship and both knew each other irl too (it was long distance)


I have just gone through so many emotions in the last 15 minutes. Tired when I got home from work, Panic over best friend Valentines day gift, Nervousness over test, Sadness over not finding what I want for said friends gift, and now Pride over both getting 100 on my test AND figuring out friends gift. My heart is racing

@Becfromthedead group

Bro, I just learned how much you get for dependents on taxes??? And like? For an adult dependent, that seems pretty messed up? Like hello? I can't get any money back in tax returns because I "didn't make enough," but my mom gets essentially what I made?! Yall ever stop to think that maybe I need the money more than she does? 😭
As do most people in my current situation.


I hate that
My dad (not much of a dad but whatever) filled out my w2 for me and signed me up for some tax calculator website without me. I don't know how it works. I just hate when they do stuff like that because when I move out it's just more stuff for me to reverse once I get my name change and stuff. He has a habit of never teaching me anything about how adult life works so I'll be dependent on him for every little thing.
And like, once I do get away, how tf do I get off their health insurance and stuff? I've tried looking it up but it seems like whether or not I'm a dependent is entirely in their hands. They have to remove me, I don't get to choose whether or not I want my parents to sign off on every health decision and transaction I make. Money is dumb. Insurance is dumb.

@Becfromthedead group

On your forms, I THINK you can mark if anyone is allowed to claim you as a dependent, but don't take my word for it
As for health insurance, no clue, I'm not there yet
It has REALLY sucked since my dad died though because he was helping me figure things out. And now my mom acts like she can't do anything for herself and is relying on her dad to take care of financial shit. And her dad is really out of touch and I low-key hate him


I was panicking over a Valentines day gift for my friend and I had it all figured out, and it would get here on time but then something happening in delivery and now it won't get here until MARCH 13TH!!!! Kinda late for Valentines day. So it's going to be a part of her birthday gift (Which is only a few days before) and now I have to panic over figuring out a new one

@Becfromthedead group

I always make people homemade candy/other sweets. You could definitely try it, maybe pick some of that friend's favorite flavors or something
Like I made peanut butter cups for my partner last year, since that's one of their favorites. Personalized food gifts are always a hit in my experience. Hmu if you need any recipes for this or otherwise.
Other than that, I don't really know your friend and can't help that much, but good luck!


I was panicking over a Valentines day gift for my friend and I had it all figured out, and it would get here on time but then something happening in delivery and now it won't get here until MARCH 13TH!!!! Kinda late for Valentines day. So it's going to be a part of her birthday gift (Which is only a few days before) and now I have to panic over figuring out a new one

If you can't come up with anything in time, what I do when that happens is make a nice card and include the picture of the thing and when it will arrive (if you print out the order form, blot out the price). It's only a month out and they still have something to be excited for. Plus they'll know it's not your fault it's coming late. It could give you more time to find a birthday present and satisfy the Valentine needs.