forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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You have to read it with the right mindset to, If you want to enjoy Shakespeare you have to read it like you are watching a high school drama where everyone involved is being way over dramatic and boom suddenly the whole thing is a comedy

Macbeth is freaking out about having blood on his hands like, "What hands are here? Ha! They pluck out mine eyes. Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red."
And his wife is like, dude, you need to chill, it legit will come off in like 2 seconds with a bit of water calm yourself. You can also imagine like she stairs blankly into the camera like, can you believe this dude, and he calls himself a man. "My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white." Like dude I literally also have blood on my hands but I'm not a little wuss like yourself, am I, toughen, up and clean up.

And then a page later all the other people are like, Man did you see all the crazy weather dude, insane, and then they go on this really long rant about how weird the weather was and Macbeth just goes…. "'Twas a rough night." Top teir comedy


You wanna study the material you were told to study? no
You want outside help? no
What's the point in school if they won't give you access to education when they have the resources??

@larcenistarsonist group

and it's ironic bc we do a shakespeare play every single grade

9 - romeo n juliet
10 - macbeth
11 - julius caesar
12 - hamlet

but my honors 10 teacher (who isn't qualified to be teaching honors english) doesn't like shakespeare so we're not doing shakespeare this year which sucks bc I like shakespeare :)


How can you tell I've reached a new low? I've slept on the floor of my room all week because there was stuff on my bed and I didn't want to move it off

@Space group

I have a break down every time I look in the mirror because I think I'm ugly-
I can't do makeup (it always looks bumpy/cakey no matter what) and I have acne and acne scars. My hair is also frizzy all the time- and I'm not talented enough to do a hairstyle


oh no! i don't have any other contact info for them, otherwise I'd help more. do you have an email for them?

Nope that’s all I’ve got for them :/
I think they got their phone taken away, so hopefully they’ll be back soon.


oh no! i don't have any other contact info for them, otherwise I'd help more. do you have an email for them?

Nope that’s all I’ve got for them :/
I think they got their phone taken away, so hopefully they’ll be back soon.

hopefully that's all, yeah


oh no! i don't have any other contact info for them, otherwise I'd help more. do you have an email for them?

Nope that’s all I’ve got for them :/
I think they got their phone taken away, so hopefully they’ll be back soon.

hopefully that's all, yeah

Okay, just heard from them and they’re alright


oh no! i don't have any other contact info for them, otherwise I'd help more. do you have an email for them?

Nope that’s all I’ve got for them :/
I think they got their phone taken away, so hopefully they’ll be back soon.

hopefully that's all, yeah

Okay, just heard from them and they’re alright

okay good


does anyone have any genuine tips on making friends?
no one ever talks to me during school and even when i try to be friendly with people it doesn't really work
i just feel like somethings wrong with me, like why does everyone get along so well with each other except for me
idk like im not even that weird or anything that people would avoid me for it, it just doesn't make sense
im just so tired of feeling isolated from everyone