forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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One I've never met, I just know their sister, one I met 2 weeks ago, and one I haven't talked to in over a year and I'm demi and I haven't had that "bond" yet if that makes any sense. I know demi is different for everyone, but that's how it is for me

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just found out that my irl friends still support jschlatt 🤨

@Katastrophic group

i just spent 30 min trying to learn seven nation army, wondering why its so hard, then realizing i cant count. the fret numbers are 7 7 10 7 5 3 2, but I was playing 12 instead of 10 and wondering why it wasn't working. I do say I'm bad at math but damn i outdid myself this time.

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So im slightly out of it….I lost someone I loved dearly….Due to my mothers choice….My mom had me break up with my girlfriend over call….and i never hurt so much as I did watching her break…….idfk what to do. Ik my mom loves me, but half the time i just….wanna leave so badly. Can I just not have 1 stable relationship without something or someone ruining it……

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I did…she wont respond…I'm so scared that I made her hurt so bad.

@tungsten fastfood

She might just need a night or so alone but it sounds like an incredibly easy situation to communicate away. Get her opinions on it and explain how your mom is if she doesn't know already (but it sounds like she's been doing this shit already so the shock just might have been too much). You'll be fine, just make sure you communicate

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alright….I just hope she's okay. I love her so much….

@Katastrophic group

Vocal dysphoria got me way way down.
I'm excited for school but idk how I'm supposed to talk.

Do you do voice excercises? If you don't, there are a ton of good vids on youtube that talk about vocal training for deepening and heightening voices, for anyone here. I've used them for singing and working on my voice acting and stuff, they work really well pretty quickly


Vocal dysphoria got me way way down.
I'm excited for school but idk how I'm supposed to talk.

Do you do voice excercises? If you don't, there are a ton of good vids on youtube that talk about vocal training for deepening and heightening voices, for anyone here. I've used them for singing and working on my voice acting and stuff, they work really well pretty quickly

I've been doing them for months now with no real result. I have a little more range but I still haven't been able to speak any differently.

Deleted user

i am So tired of people being hella confrontational until they're the problem and told that. i'm also sick of people picking fights with my partner because they(not my partner) are in a bad mood. don't tell him to chill the fuck out after a very lighthearted "you're an asshole" when you do the same thing way more than he ever does. and don't say you did nothing wrong when you were clearly trying to start an issue once your partner pops into the chat. /nbh
i would put this in the rudeness chat because i'm old enough to use it, finally, but that one scares me.


Why does highschool have to be so disgusting? I'm an alter who gets triggered out by gross things and sure, I know I'm a bit of a hypochondriac, but I watched someone spit onto the floor where people walk and then what if I walk in spit? What if I walk in something worse? - Saline


So take all of that uncomfy you feel now about confrontation and imagine it's what they feel like every time you repeat the behavior that bothers them. And then stop the behavior, unless it's like something unreasonable.

Here be the deal on that. Your SO definitely deserves to have their issues discussed and considered and in some cases if there's a behavior they have issues with you should probably just stop. If it's something big like, I dunno, stop all contact with your friends of the gender/s you're attracted to, that's more of a sit down and have a discussion on where that insecurity is coming from. Chances are it's rooted in something else and stopping contact with the friends wont actually solve the issue.
Having a chit chat about the behavior and why it bugs them is prolly a good Idea anyway just to make sure you understand why they are bothered other wise chances are you're going to have the issue again over a different behavior. It doesn't need to be confrontational, not the way you're thinking, in fact it shouldn't be.
You aren't approaching this with the intention of proving each other wrong, you have the same goal in mind, it's healthy communication, flipping that brain switch can be useful, It's Communication, that's all it is, it is healthy communication to resolve conflict.

Any way good luck with that.


The situation’s resolved now so I don’t think it really matters also I’m just a bit uncomfortable with that sorry
Sorry I didn’t see all of this sooner, I really didn’t expect any sort of response on this lol
Thanks @Relsey for your response it was very helpful. I of course recognize that in this situation my partner’s feelings are more important than my own. Their feelings are 100% valid and I am taking them into consideration in my actions. I told them I’d change the behavior and so far I have.
I just freaked out and my first reaction went to worst case scenario where they would leave me and everyone would hate me. But now I’ve had time to process and it’s really fine lol.


how do i un-come out to my friend?? i came out to her not too long ago and i kinda regret it and it’s making me really anxious. i’m so scared that if anything goes wrong with our friendship i’ll get outed. but i also don’t wanna make her think that i was lying to her about it or anything, like she was really nice about it and all but the fact that she could ruin my life if she wanted to is making my anxiety sky rocket


Maybe you should be straight up about your fears with her instead of trying to cover it up, which sounds like that could just make it more confusing. Maybe say something like "hey, remember when I told you this? Well it's actually a really private thing and I'm trusting you not to tell anyone no matter what, ok? It's my identity, and I get to choose who I come out to and when."
Be clear about your bounderies. You said she was really nice about it which is good, so hopefully she'll have some understanding.


Yeah I’ve kind of already had that conversation with her and she was like ‘of course I wouldn’t tell anyone’,, I mean she’s gay too so I think she understands but I wanna like just tell her I wanna be unlabeled or questioning but idk how to explain it.