forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

God, I feel that. My mom and her parents go on and on about how easy it is just to get a job and even though I tried to explain the ghosting, not picking up the phone, etc, they don't get it.
I even had the same issue in my hunt for an apartment which is crazy because don't they want to make money???
Older gens really do act like we have it was these days when meanwhile they could just walk up somewhere and get a job way back when.

honestly I don't care if there's a rejection, ok maybe a little, but I'd take rejection over ghosting any day. At least I can move on with my life. and the worst part is some of these are people I've had email chain conversations with. they have my email and know how to use it clearly, what's so bad about saying "sorry but we have a better fit?" so I can continue to do other things.

Exactly! It's just fucking rude! I was trying to work for one place a couple summers ago but they dragged me around, and I ended up accepting another job that actually got back to me and also fired me before I finished training. I mean. Ig it was more let go than fire, but it was still fucked up. If people would just respond to applications, it wouldn't be such a pain.


At therapy I talked about an ex friend that caused my friend group and I serious trauma and that I would bet my life was a pathological liar. And this fucking "doctor" straight up compares us?? I can't get it out of my head??


Your therapist sucks
Near the end of your treatment I highly recommend you go off on them, tell them everything you think they did wrong and every way they hurt you
Now that's therapeutic 💛


What’s it about

Sorry it got so long
Okay so, context-wise it's a pretty sparsely populated land due to creatures that run very freely around. There's one sort of walled citadel that's protected and ruled by oligarchy, and otherwise it's villages dotted around that run solely thanks to a patron god. My main characters are a group of five young people who travel around protecting, fighting and selling in the villages to try and do what the leaders don't. They've banded together as a group of Dyszuis, similar to sprites or elementals. There are other Dyszuis but they work in service of the rich, particularly Midas, a merchant that has earned themself a rather powerful position in the citadel.
You've got Yanni, related to the tide, who leads the group. You've got Dorota and Diego, related to the sun, twins. You've got Kohmir, related to the raven, who's an excellent botanist. Finally you've got Lysia, related to the dusk.
Prologue sets the scene with a god that falls to earth, and Dorota disappears to replace them. Lysia, who relied entirely on her, decides to go looking for her and gets recruited by the god that fell to earth, who I've temporarily named Circe (I really like it but I'm on the fence about taking such famous names, idk). Lysia is slowly encouraged by Circe to lean into her power more and more, and Dorota's own power grows by being exposed to gods, and they both lose all sense of consciousness outside of their power. Dorota is held back only by her remaining connection to Diego, and Lysia by the relationship with one of Midas's soldiers that they've given Circe. Meanwhile, Diego Yanni and Kohmir and desperately trying to find their friends, end up finding where Circe took Lysia, and as they arrive Dorota's been sent to stop Circe from taking (anymore) violent action against the villages and citadel. Lysia, as Circe's most powerful ally, is sent to fight her. A very dramatic and tragic battle ensues between two best friends, their loved ones trying stop them, etc.


What are the character arcs about?

I'm gonna try and generalise as much as possible so I don't monopolise the chat
So Lysia's is the main one! As a 'daughter' of dusk, she's equally split between night and day/light and dark, and struggles greatly with resisting her darker instincts (that translate as intrusive thoughts). With Dorota, her anchor in sanity and control, gone, she loses her grip on her powers and especially because of Circe, she goes from a fragile control to completely losing herself in every dark instinct that, after having been repressed for so long, are out of control and powerful. Her arc is a sort of lesson in accepting every part of you and learning that the way you're born doesn't define who you are as a person sort of thing.
For Dorota, although she's an ultimately good person, she's caught up in thinking she's naturally superior to others, and she doesn't actually treat the people around her very well. This makes her very easy to control when the gods take her in, and leads to the battle at the end of the story. Because of how much she relies so heavily on the idea that she's more powerful than anyone, she doesnt realize how much damage she's doing, both actually physically and emotionally to her relationships as she fights them pretty ruthlessly. The consequences of the battle basically humble her, and she kind of snaps out of her attitude and realizes how important her relationships are to her and everyone around her.
Diego, once fully trusting and very optimistic, is kind of destroyed by losing first his sister and then one of his closest friends. His worldview was that love kind of runs the world, but seeing two people he loved try to kill each other kind of breaks all of that. He dies before he can fully proces everything though.
Yanni is a bit similar. As a leader/parent to Lysia and Dorota, losing them made her desperate to find them and help them. She's terrified at the idea of not being able to control her surroundings and believes that any consequence of Lysia and Dorota's feud would be her fault for not helping them. But when she finally finds them and tries her best to talk them down in vain, she realizes she can't do anything for them and can only protect herself from the damage they're causing. On the topic of emotional boundaries and taking responsibility for yourself before anyone else, I think. She's a bit complicated and I'm really trying to get my head around her thoughts and emotions.
Then you've got Kohmir. Similar to Lysia in having difficulty keeping his negative emotions in check, especially as the youngest character. But he's got a lot more self-control and enough self- validation and motivation, and is able to keep rational thoughts in situations in which Lysia would get more worked up. He greatly admires her though, and she's an inspiration to him. If she can make it, he can too. So, when she doesn't make it, he loses a lot of hope and loses progress he's made on himself. He's also very very close to Yanni, and seeing her so affected makes him really bitter towards Lysia and Dorota. So overall a lesson in self-reliance I think? Not only, there's also a lot about learning how you react to things, how much you can handle, when you come first and when other people come first. How do you protect yourself when protecting yourself means losing people you've learned to rely on?
Finally you've got Maitea, Lysia's love interest. So when she meets Lysia, the latter still has some semblance of control on herself. But Maitea, although very set on Midas's values and maintaining her loyalty to him, is watching from a distance as Circe absolutely destroys everything Lysia's internally built. Especially as her feelings for Lysia grow, she struggles between long standing arrangements and what she owes her love for Lysia and her own values.
That's what I've got so far!

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

This is pretty random, but I just feel kind of out of place. I do like a lot of stereotypically feminine things, such as makeup and long dresses, and I feel like that's shamed now. I often question my interests in these things, wondering if I really do like them or society has pressured me into thinking I do. I don't want to be perceived as a girly airhead, but I'm not really a tomboy either. I really hope this isn't coming off as "not like other girls," but I'm starting at a new school and even though my self-esteem issues have gotten better, I'm really worried about what people will think of me. I just want to kick butt in a ballgown, you know? I feel like you're pressured to fit into one category or another, and oh geez this is coming off very 2012 angsty tumblr teen i'm going to stop talking now


No no, Jupiter, it sounds great! Tbh flowy dresses are kinda in right now, especially if they fit the cottagecore aesthetic. Plus, they're so fucking cute. Personally, I'm a bit more masc in terms of what I'm wearing and so I have the same mindset but opposite, if that makes sense? I'm like "do I not like dresses bc society has told me they're bad, or do I just not like dresses bc I don't like dresses?" So basically I get what you're saying, and I wouldn't worry about it tbh. Again flowy dresses? So. Fucking. Cute. On everyone. So I'd say go for it if that's what you like and what you wanna wear

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do you like dresses bc they make you feel good/badass/cute or do you feel like it’s the Right thing you have to do? Bc that’s a possibly easy way to tell. I only wish I had the confidence to rock a flowy dress.


Honestly, The important thing is that you feel good. If you feel happy in flowy skirts wear them, if you feel good in 6 inch heels go for it, if you feel good in sweat pants go for it.


I once knew a woman who wore 3-6 inch heals every day to work as a teacher, and that woman was powerful and in her element in those heels.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

You guys are right, it is because they just make me happy. I'm a huge Victorian geek and I love the vague historical vibes they give me, lol. Thank you so much for the supportive replies, you guys are amazing <3