forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Becfromthedead group

Our governor is a whole ass clown and I hate his rich cis het old white man guts.
I don't even know if my vote was counted in that fucking election, but I sure as hell didn't vote for him.

@Becfromthedead group

I have to be up in 5 hours but I can't sleep.
Getting cramps bad enough to keep me up but light enough that I'm being stubborn and won't take tylenol.
Also anxiety go brrrrr
Housing plan fell through, I kind of don't want to be friends anymore.
My mom won't give me a break. She's so hypocritical all the time and now I understand why I'm so emotionally broken. Woman was literally telling me how to feel- or rather how not to feel over the situation. It's not like I'm acting on my anger or lashing out at anyone. I'm just. Angry. Let me be. (That's not the hypocritical part, but I'm too tired to explain further).
Also just got back from hell Florida which was… fun? Idk if fun is the right word. I got to hang out with my partner's family a lot, and got to know people better, and I genuinely think they like me. But ultimately we did go for a funeral and all that was really draining.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, I've been reading a Supernatural/Lucifer fanfic where Ella made a bet with Lucifer that he couldn't watch the entire series. The fic starts at the start of Spn's season 4. For the most part it's enjoyable, however I do get irritated with Ella constantly giving spoilers to Lucifer. Lucifer watches Spn and reacts to it. Very spoiler-y for those that haven't seen Supernatural before. People who give spoilers to shows and or movies is something that ticks me off!

@Echo_6 group

At this point words can't even describe just how much stress and pain the last four days have put me through. And I've only barely cried about any of it. I just kind of feel emotionless. First a car crash, then a day of non-stop work, then concrete pouring, now a pair of dead pets heartbroken sisters, and a menace dog who's responsible still walking and breathing. What more can this week send at me without just straight up killing me or one of my family members?


I went "I'm not gonna go back onto this thread, I shouldn't bother other people with my mental health" and then my mom happened so hiiiiiiiiiiii

I'm supposed to be at a con right now, but the person I'm going with is running a tad late so I'm waiting. While I wait, I'm doing some drivers ed. I got about ten percent done in the past few hours. I was checking my phone every few minutes to see if there were any updates from them, but then my mom saw me on my phone and took it, telling me that I wouldn't get it back til I got to 70%, now I've done a bunch of quizzes for it, but it takes a few minutes for it to update on the site. I walked out to go check my phone and she asked me if I was at 70%, I said "I think so, it takes a bit for it to load on the site so I'm just checking to see if my ride responded." she yelled at me and when I made a joke (With emotion behind it) that she shouldn't work me like a dog, I'm a child, she went "You'll be fine" in the most condescending, nurse seeing you broke your arm and giving you ice, way.

Anyhow, I'm sitting here, in full cosplay makeup, trying not to cry

@Becfromthedead group

My mom drives me fucking insane.
I feel like I'm the parent and she's the child so much of the time, and istg it's not just me being stuck up and being like "I'm such an adult, I'm so mature uwu."
Like even people from the outside looking in have totally agreed with me.
She acts so childish sometimes. Like seriously.


After blood work, an MRI, and an X ray I am supposedly physically fine. Everything came back clear and I hate it. I'm in so much pain and now I'm worried my parents won't believe me and my doctor won't take me seriously. I'm not a doctor, but from what I do know it seems something like fibromyalgia is the next reasonable assumption. And that sucks for me, because the main treatments for fibro and related diseases are anti depressants and sometimes anti seizure meds. Guess who's literally not allowed to take anti depressants even though I've been perscribed them before :)))) guess who's parents have been indoctrinated to think any brain-mind related medicine is bad and unnecessary regardless of perception or not :))))) istg. The NSAIDS aren't working. I'M in pain. Yet if I do have fibro it's pretty safe to assume I won't be allowed to be treated for it. This pain is unbearable, and it's MINE. I wish they didn't get to have a say in my medications at this point. I'm old enough to make those decisions with MY doctor, it's MY PAIN. And if my parents won't help me, or if they decide not to believe me, idk what I'm supposed to do. It's unbearable.


UGH and I don't have a job and I know that takes time, but I applied to them too late. Summer vacation is pretty short here so I don't think I'll be able to get one, and if I do, I'll be working for a week. I should've applied earlier. I'm so money anxious because I NEED to get out if my house asap and idk if I'll be able to afford it if I don't get a job, well, last month. I've been pretty alright mental health wise lately but now I have all these stressors and I just. Can't right now.


I believe in you, just prepare and go over the questions and maybe script a little about your past experience and your strengths?? Try to focus on your preparation and not the upcoming thing

Deleted user

I'm over my job, I'm QUITTING and Im done!
This bitch has the nerve to tell me how to do my job, They aren't even my superior or a manager, Trying to say they can do my job better than me. PLEASE , I am doing all I can for my FIRST job. This company is shit and Im done with it.
AND this isn't the first time this bitch tried to cancel me out. I am a hostess and our job is to seat and please guests. Not to buss, or do their dirty work. WE get yelled at for doing OUR job, Easy yes…But also difficult.


My mother just took my devices becuase the monitoring software she put on there sends out notifications late
I was on it at 8 sending messages to my friend but the notification was sent at 11 20

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My mother just took my devices becuase the monitoring software she put on there sends out notifications late
I was on it at 8 sending messages to my friend but the notification was sent at 11 20